
by Jan

The hard part of writing is thinking of things to write.

My friend Anna, said when writing a letter, you just need to write one interesting thing. I’ll go a step shorter, and say, just write the darn letter!

My days are routine, and while I can entertain myself well enough, I realize I am not adding much to the conversation, so this bloggy thing is wrought with rambles. Sorry!

I tend to read, sew, walk, cook at least one meal, and repeat. Sometimes, instead of sewing, I spin. Once or twice a week, I venture out to the store and Post Office.

Today, the post office will be my one interesting thing.

When it comes to the Post Office, I admit, I am a fallen apple from the Hudson tree.

My Grandma loved writing and sending letters. Birthday cards in particular, and I’m grateful her passion for this was passed on to me.

My dad also, loved the mail. Even during his last days, when it was hard for him to go anywhere, he wanted to go to the Post Office. There were times, he would wait outside the post office for it to open. He loved being first in the doors. By the way, he did this at the barbers and dry cleaners as well. First was better than second.

Canada Post in general, cannot be said to be a fine service. It is expensive and slow. I know for a fact that letters and packages go missing. And, while I really like our local postal workers, I suspect too that the delivery person, sometimes, just takes the day off.

I won’t be first in the line up today, but as a Hudson, I do look forward to going to the P.O.

Today, I’m sending out January birthday cards, a contest prize, and two surprise presents.

Grandma used to say, “You gotta write ‘em to get ‘em.” Unfortunately, that is no longer true and not my motivation.

These days I just write ‘em to write ‘em.


by Jan

I’ve learned to cook! Now, while I still say, “good luck” and not “Bon appetit”, when I serve, — I haven’’t set a pot holder on fire in quite a while. Now, instead of burning food, I caramelize it!

The hardest part of cooking, besides timing, is deciding what to have for dinner, oh and using the right ingredients. (There’s a big difference between cream of tarter and tarter sauce.)

I find having a freezer full of food helps. Ours is stocked, not only with blueberries, raspberries, and bananas for smoothies, I also freeze leftover soup for those times when I don’t feel like cooking. And, we buy meat and fish in bulk from the butcher. I like having a choice on hand, when I think about what’s for dinner.

And, while I have plenty of cookbooks on the shelf, the inter-web is my go-to place for new recipes. All I have to do is talk to the google, and I have a plethora of options with the ingredients of my choice.

The other day, I saw what looked like a tasty meal made with sausage and cabbage. I watched the youtube cooking lesson, and knew it was in my wheelhouse of culinary skills!

I have several varieties of sausage to choose from in the freezer. So, I grabbed some turkey links to de-frost, and gathered the other ingredients in ready.

I don’t plan when quilting, but I’ve learned when cooking, you really do need to use the ingredients the recipe calls for IF you want the meal to come out well. The French technique of mise en place helps a lot when cooking. I set all the ingredients in the recipe out before I begin.

Anyway – yesterday, I had the counter full of chopped onion, grated garlic, sliced cabbage, corn, peas, soy sauce and sesame oil at the ready for my yummy meal.

Once all this was ready, I needed to cook the sausage.

I told you we buy meat in bulk, so I usually repackage the meat into smaller portions before I put it in the freezer. This had been done with the sausage, so I didn’t think much about it, when I opened the baggie to start cooking up the meat — but… dang it, something was weird.

The sausage was mushy. I knew it was defrosted, but this was too much. I wanted to cut the casing off the link, to fry it up, but…. something was really off. Something just wasn’t right with this meat… too mushy… the meat had no structure… I was genuinely confused, as I know we buy from a quality source.

I messed with it a bit more… I smelled it… uhm….


Not sausage — bananas. I’d thawed a pound of bananas.

Bananas do not go all that well with cabbage, onions and ginger.

I’m just saying.


by Jan

Once again, I want to give a shout out to the socialist health care we receive here in Canada.

Looking back, it has literally taken me years, not only to appreciate the system, but to use it.

Growing up in America, I rarely had health insurance, and if I did, it came with a high deductible, that I had to meet before it kicked in.

The western medical attention I did get was usually horrible. I held a huge dis-trust for medical doctors and as a hippie, went the way of hands on, herbs and voodoo. Except when it came to colds. For colds, forget the ginger, honey, and cayenne — give me Buckley’s! (only because I can’t have NyQuill)

When Ken and I first landed in Canada, we got our care cards and uhm… honestly, we didn’t use them for quite a while. We continued to see “alternative” healers. Alternative health was described as care that insurance didn’t cover. BUT, alternative healers also took tai chi lessons and were keen to trade. I told myself and I still somewhat, believe that western medicine is not for me. Yet, those beliefs were not what stopped me from going to a doctor.

What stopped me was the money. I know, I know… In Canada, we show our care cards, not our cheque books to doctors. But, still… old habits die hard, and I’m not sure I really believed it was “free.” Plus, I figured you had to be really sick to see a doctor, and for the most part I wasn’t.

It was during a massage, that I was told, I had a funny looking mole, and should have it looked at. I hemmed and hawed. My masseuse said, “It doesn’t cost anything to have them look at it.” So, I did. The doctor looked at it and removed it in the office. A few days later, she called with the path report. I was fine, no charge.

I’ve had quite a few funny looking moles. But, in the states, when I worried about a mole, I also had to worry if I had the money for an office visit and the pathology.

I didn’t go to the doctor for any type of preventive care. I honestly preferred hands on, herbs, sticks and twigs healing anyway.

I’m thinking about all this now because:

1. I just finished reading Educated by Tara Westover. A memoir about a woman who grew up in a fundamentalist religious home where they totally didn’t “believe” in doctors, or hospitals. Only “Gods pharmacy” of herbs, sticks and twigs. (BTW, this is a good read.)

2. An American friend recently ask for advice in stopping flu symptoms on Facebook. The call was answered with everything from Elderberry syrup, ginger, whiskey, etc., Not one person suggested she, “Ask a doctor.”

3. And, finally — someone I love is getting “released” from the care they are in, because they’ve maxed out their insurance, not because they are better.

I’ve known for a while, that Ken and I could not return to the US, even if we wanted to. While, most things like housing and food are much cheaper in the states, The cost of cost of health care is out of our reach.

We are getting older and while we are in pretty good health, Ken and I have used our health care system, quite a bit now. Each time, we are grateful for the access and care we receive.

I know some people who read this bloggy thing are American, so let me first off put to rest a few concerns.

We chose our doctor. When we first moved to Sechelt, we were assigned one, but we didn’t like him, so we changed. We do not have any trouble getting in to see her. Most of the time we can get in on the same day we call, the longest we’ve had to wait was a week for an appointment. She’s even called the house, to tell us about some tests results. If she cannot see us, another doctor will.

Now, we are not the type to run to the doctor for a runny nose, (but we could)! We started calling on our system because I had a head injury, and Ken had a tumour.

We’ve had trips to the ER, CAT scans, MRI’s. We’ve seen specialists and  I’ve even had a few moles looked at and taken off.

We’ve not had to get the cheque book out once and we’ve not once been denied care. Our crazy “socialist” medical plan will even cover the ferry ride if we need to travel to see someone.

I know our medical system is not perfect, and I’m still not a big fan of western doctors, but …


by Jan

No, We are not looking to get a new doggy. No, no, no dogs!
Oh, look honey, a Doggy!

Ken and I have turned into “those” people. We are the weirdos who now stop people on walks, and go goo-goo over their dogs.

One reason we don’t want another dog is because we were totally spoiled with Boze. And because of her, IF we were to get another dog, they would have to be a good dog. No knot heads, crazy runners, big barkers, or dogs with “issues.”

Still, we are open. For example, if Max, from down the street, ever needed a new home — we’d be all over it!

Really though, at this time in our life, we would rather be doggy day care people. So, if you live in Sechelt, and know anyone who needs dog care, while they are at work, or anyone going on a week long vacation, and can’t take their dog — tell them to get in touch with us!

I’d be like that goofy Looneytoon cartoon charactor, “I will kiss him and love him, and squeeze him and hug him and call him George!”  Then we will happily, send them home to their real people, so others can pay for the food, vet bills and dog cookies. I’m sure we can swing the soft toys, sticks and balls needed.

Which brings me back to other people dogs  — I’ve noticed, no one has just a dog.

Today, everyone has a fancy pants pedigree, dog that is a combo of at least two breeds, often three, like the cockapeekapoo. The most popular seems to be some sort of oodle.

I saw a sweet curly haired black dog the other day, and then man told me it was a schnoodle — a combo, poodle, and schnauzer! Come on people! This is not a breed of dog — this is a dog from a long line of fence jumpers! But, I know it is hard to charge thousands of dollars for a fence jumper, so… schnoodle it is!

When Moser, a labradoodle, was visiting over Christmas, we were out for a walk and someone asked – I answered the way I always do, and said he was a snicker-doodleleedo… The lady said she knew the doodle part, but wasn’t familiar with a snicker dog. I smiled.

Finally yesterday, I talked to a nice woman walking her dog on the trail. She had a sweet medium size goofy looking doggy, a super cute little bugger. Of course, I stopped to goo… I ask… she shook her head — and a little embarrassed — said, “Mutt. Heinz 57”.

She then told me, he’s a good dog, we call him Harvey!

I need to start to carry some business cards on my walks. I would dog sit Harvey any time!


by Jan

My niece, Kayleen started this a few years ago, and I have followed — I don’t know if hers is posted  yet, but this is her bloggy thing.

I know I could spend more time on this, but January 1, 2019 is here, and these are my answers. Happy New Year everyone!

The Year in Review in simple question and answer form.

What did you do in 2018 that you’ve never done before?
I swam a mile in our community pool. That was a pretty big deal and I was very proud of myself for doing it.

Did you keep your New Year’s resolutions, and will you make more for next year?
I like having a motto, not resolutions to guide me each year. My motto for 2018 was, Look up, Everyday… there are reminders. For 2019 I’ve chosen – It’s all about the view. In many ways these are the same. I like looking at views.

Did anyone close to you give birth?
We aren’t close, but I know Ben and Andrea had Charlie. Kat and Kevin had Bridget, and Jerome and Bea became Julian’s Grandparents.

Did anyone close to you die?
Yes, our dear and wonderful dog Boze. Also friends, Mel Sameishima, Jeff Muiderman, and Jan Warner.

What countries did you visit?
Other than two trips to Las Vegas to see my brother Art, we stayed in Canada.

What would you like to have in 2019 that you lacked in 2018?
I don’t feel I lack anything.

What events from 2018 will remain etched upon your memory?
The surgeries and trips to the ER.
Ken had surgery to remove a tumour from his bladder.
His brother Ron, had a tough time with the removal of a brain tumour.
My brother Art, had a kidney stone removed.
also, we launched Ken’s boat Cricket.
Company came!
The “incident” with Marian Bantjes and the ham sandwich.
The day Boze died.
The hike with Becky, where I could not keep up, and those when I did.
Ross hanging with me at the hospital, Sarah bringing us soup, and Lynn sending cookies!

What was your biggest achievement of the year?
I read over 60 books! (That’s a big deal for me!)
I swam a mile several times.
I raised money for our local food bank by selling the quilted shopping bags I made.
I found such joy sitting at the sewing machine playing with fabric while listening to audio books.
I got outside most days for a good hike.

What was your biggest failure?
I stopped going to the pool.
Sadly, I gave into this cell phone shit, and now I carry it everywhere with me.

Did you suffer illness or injury?
For the most part, all my bits are lined up well. The men in my life had a few problems though. At this writing, both Ken and I are well.

What was the best thing you bought?
I took the advice of my painting teacher and when it comes to fabric – I sew “like a millionaire.” The full face snorkel was probably the best money I spent. That thing made it possible for me to swim comfortably with my face in the water.

Whose behaviour merited celebration?
Ron Parker is one tough cookie. Kathy Parker is even tougher.
Anna Michael – Salute!
Ty Brackett, for taking a neighbours letter to heart.
The Canadian medical system.
I continually cheer the everyday actions of my husband Ken and best friend Sandie.

Whose behaviour appalled you?
I find ALL of the GOP disgusting, and I’m not impressed by most Democrats.
Doug Ford was elected in Ontario. Really?
I was disappointed BC didn’t vote for PR when they had the chance.
I’m appalled by people who still don’t think guns are a problem, and more so, by people who continue to think religion is a solution.

Where did most of your money go?
Probably on food, fabric, epoxy, gifts and postage.
We eat like kings, have supplies to create what we want, and we have enough to share. We almost bought a house — that would have been big!

What did you get really excited about?
Meeting Max – the cutest little doggy that lives down the street.
Learning about the art of Moy McKay.
The surprise painting from Lainey Benson.
The homemade chocolates Jess and Angelo made for Christmas.
Fabric sales and Bali Knots.

What song will always remind you of 2018?
I love Boze. (A little ditty I wrote for our sweet Boze dog.)

Compared to this time last year, are you:
i. happier or sadder?  Happier.
ii. thinner or fatter?  Fatter  (I still fit in the same pants, but since Christmas, they are a little tight)
iii. richer or poorer?  Richer

What do you wish you’d done more of?
I could say all kinds of things – but honestly, I do what I want.

What do  you wish you’d done less of?
Again, I do what I want.

Did you fall in love in 2018?
Ken still has my heart, and when I see the neighbours dog, Max walk by I get pretty excited!

What was your favourite TV program?
I still watch cooking and baking shows, Perry Mason, and This Hour has 22 Minutes. I like Endeavour, Vera, and Masterpiece. We now have Netfliks, and I’m open to suggestions of shows  that are not violent or about war.

Have you let go of any resentment or have a regret you cling to?
I regret losing sleep because of the hate in the states, and I regret losing sleep because of the love I have for someone I can’t help. — A silly resentment lingers and will be gone by the posting of this. The big and hurtful grudge I carried far too long, no longer bothers me.

What was the best book you read?
I read a lot. off the top of my head, I liked The Little Stranger, by Sarah Waters. I also liked The Signature of all Things by Elizabeth Gilbert, and I loved everything I read by Drew Hadyen-Taylor.

What was your greatest musical (re)discovery?
Music is not a big part of my life, but playing music trivia games with my brother is great fun.
I hope to listen to more music this next year.

What did you want and get?
I got on Becky Wayte’s radar and she calls me fairly often to hike together. I also got a fancy set of glass dishes, I’ve had my eye on for a while.

What did you want and not get?
Besides once again not getting thinner, I usually get what I want. Oh wait, I didn’t get new eyeglasses.

What was your favourite film of this year?
Bohemian Rhapsody and Coco. (The animated one, not the one about the dress designer.)

What did you do on your birthday, and how old were you?
I turned 63, and for the life of me, I cannot remember what I did. I’m sure I got attention.

What one thing would have made the year immeasurably more satisfying?
I worried about some people more than they worried about themselves. Not doing that would have been better.

How would you describe your personal fashion concept in 2018?
I continue to wear turtle necks, jeans and hiking boots. But, I did get my ears pierced and now wear different earrings each day. Also, Marsha made me several button up shirts, so fashion change is in the air!

What political issue stirred you the most?
Seriously? We all know tRump is a fucker, I continue to really hate Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell who are pure evil. The Brett Kavanaugh thing was and is fucked. The PR thing in BC disappointed me completely. On the good news side of politics, Sechelt elected a clean slate of politicians for mayor and council. We live in a rain forest and continue to have water restriction each summer, maybe this council will address that. My political head is not completely buried in the sand, but I need to spend more and more time at the beach.

Who and what did you miss?
Who I miss …I really, really miss Boze. I will probably always miss Kim, mom, and Peet.
I miss my brother Art and am grateful we text often.
What I miss… I miss the enthusiasm I had for swimming and watercolour painting.
And, I miss the freedom I had when I didn’t have a cell phone.

Who was the best new person you met?
Becky Wayte! She is bright, generous, talented, and so very adventurous.

Tell us a valuable life lesson you learned in 2018.?
I hate everyone’s cell phone, but my own! 🙂


by Jan

It’s a beautiful, clear, and cold last day of 2018, on the coast.

This year, like others, we floated like a leaf on the river of life. We struggled in the downward spiral of politics, and we stood hand in hand, when our heath and hearts were challenged, and personally, I fought the same fucking 10 pounds, I’ve been fighting since 1973.

I’m still working on the 2018 year in review questionnaire. So today’s post is just a ramble to tell those I love, that I love them.

Years ago, when my friend Jan Daly was sick, and still in denial, she would not allow anyone to have “negative” talk around her. By doing this, she made it hard for her friends to say good bye.

It was around the time of her death, that I learned how important the lesson of speaking up was. Because she wouldn’t let me say what I wanted to her, I started the practice of telling people in my life, that I love them on a regular basis. I started making it part of our conversation.

Saying, I love you, in everyday conversation, is a conscious practice. I find it smooths the road, so I won’t have to have to struggle with words or feelings, when they really matters.

So, hear me now, and I hope you hear me often…
I love you! My life is better because you are in it.

And here is a special Happy Birthday shout out to my sister-in-law, Lynn, I love you!


by Jan

The last few days, I started working on the questionnaire my niece and I fill out each year.

The questions encourage us to look back, think and remember. It’s fun.

Once I finish I’ll post it, but in short, besides the big deals of Ken’s surgery, the death of our doggy Boze, and the surgeries of my brother, Art and Ken’s brother, Ron — I was surprised to find that 2018 was a somewhat uneventful year for us.

Home is where the year happened for us. When we weren’t home, we wanted to be.

There is a jar in my office with a hole in the lid. Over the years, I make note when something eventful happens. I put the note in the jar, and at the end of the year, I look back—  the jar wasn’t very full this year.

Company coming was the biggest contribution. Friends and family from all over came to visit. We really love company coming.

Ken and I were at the airport a couple of times this year. We flew to Vegas to visit my brother in March, then I went back on my own, a few months later.

We began a couple of road trips in the van, but we didn’t get very far each time. Our hearts weren’t in it, so we just came home.

Ken and I sing together a lot. We have a song for every occasion, yet for the most part, we sing silly songs, and either make up the words, or sing fa la la because we don’t actually know any of the words.

We do like to think we make a joyful noise though!

Looking back, it seems the sweetest sound we made in 2018, was when one of us, turned to the other and said, “Let’s go Home!”


by Jan

And… it’s over.
Well, it’s almost over.

The holiday hub-bub that seemed to start around Halloween, is just about to come to an end. Of course we still need to get through New Years, but you know what I mean.

The lights, decorations, candy, cookies, and company can soon be put away until next time.

We’ve had loads of good fun, the best of friends, amazing food, and wonderful presents. There’s been massive laughter, stories told and re-told, serious snacking, ham, roast beast, and bobotie. Two ridiculously hard jigsaw puzzles, terrific hikes in the bush, and only one real melt down.

It’s been grand and I’m ready to tap out.

It makes complete sense that people would wish Peace on Earth at this time each year… I say, let it begin with me.


by Jan

We watched the movie Coco last night.

After surfing the channel guide for a good 30 minutes, we finally choose Coco. I’m not sure why we picked it. It only had 3 stars, and was an animated Disney movie. Certainly not one I normally go for, but somewhere, sometime, from someone… I heard it was good.

About five minutes into the movie, I shouted… I LOVE THIS MOVIE!!!

I continued to love the movie and at the end, said it again. I loved it. Who ever gave it 3 stars is nuts!

Spoiler alerts coming — if you haven’t seen it, and want to… maybe pass this post by, I’m not going into big detail and this isn’t a review — but I will tell you the gist and how the movie sparked me.

Coco is about a young boy and the tradition of the Mexican holiday, the Day of the Dead.

Growing up in New Mexico, I saw signs of this holiday often. Art work of skulls and bone people were every where in Santa Fe and Old Town in Albuquerque. Still, I never really gave it much attention or asked many questions. I just thought it was another feast day, or a superstition to do with the church.

Basically, the holiday and the movie is about remembering your dead. In the movie, (and in the tradition of the holiday) there is life after death, as long as, someone remembers you.

I don’t know about life after death, but I know when we remember our dead, when we tell a story of them, they come back to life in our hearts and minds.

A few years ago, I wrote a story about my step-father Jack. To me, he was a good man and I loved him very much. Jack wasn’t a man of the world though. He touched a some lives, but not a lot of lives. He was what I call, a two generation man.

There are people who will be remembered for multiple generations. Every time we speak the names of the famous, the war mongers, the inventors, the game changers, the good Grandma’s and the bad Great Uncles… when we hear their names, whether we knew them or not… the memories of them, their accomplishments, their stories live on and on.

But, someone like Jack. A good man, with a meaningful but, smaller reach in life, will be forgotten by the next generation. I only know a few people still alive in this world, who can call his name, have a photo, or share a memory of him. There are a few, but when we die, who will be able to tell a story about Jack and say, I remember when…

The movie Coco, tugged at my heart. It was colourful, musical, uplifting, and showed the importance of remembering.

Call out your dead! When we remember them — they live on!