
December 31st, 2024 by Jan

2024 in Review

2024 in Review
So, here we go again…My Sisyphean life up for review! I will say, for the most part, 2024 was a good year. Ken and I are happy, had some health issues and are extremely grateful for our life and location.

The Year in Review in simple question and answer form.

What did you do in 2024 that you’ve never done before?
Had a stroke, a heart attack scare and fainted while hiking in the woods. Took medication on a regular basis and tried a whole foods plant based way of eating. I went into our local pot store. (it was hilarious! and no I didn’t buy any pot.)
Boy out of the starting gate this sounds horrid!

Did you keep your New Year’s resolutions/motto, and will you make more for next year?
I like a new year and a fresh notebook.
The motto of Do Good stands well with me. some would say I called out Pity Me or She Suffered So, more often than I needed to. For 2025 the motto – “The Demons Hate Fresh Air” wins out as does, “Make the Present Better”.

Did anyone close to you give birth?
I guess not close enough as no one stands out.

Did anyone close to you die?
Yes. And sadly, this list is only going to get longer each year as we get older. In 2024 family, friends, and parents of friends died.
Let me say their names.
Kathy’s mom, Donna Funt
My cousin, Richard Hudson
Good friend, Jo Baner
Mentor and world shaker, Nadia Telsey
Trina’s dad, Verde Raper
Sandie’s dad, Dick Todd
Kore’s mom, Yvonne
Tracy’s husband, Eric

And some good dogs died as well.
Kevin’s dog

What countries did you visit?
The better question is did I leave the coast? And the answer is YES!
We flew to Arizona for Ron Parker’s memorial service
We went to Bowen Island for Tamsin’s birthday and we had lunch in Horseshoe Bay with friends.
We are really quite happy staying home.

What would you like to have in 2025 that you lacked in 2024?
I don’t lack much – Okay, the postal strike made the holidays very quiet. No cards were sent or received. However, anything I do miss out on, is for the most part – my choice. I get lazy or my being an introvert kicks in and I’d rather stay home. I’d like to have a lot more days filled with health and wellbeing.

What events from 2024 will remain etched upon your memory?
Shingles are no fun. Never get them!
Hiking alone in the Matrix is a lot of fun.
Monthly lunches with Glen and Cheryl.
Having high hope for the US only to be dashed in despair
Laughing with Ken is just the best.

What was your biggest achievement of the year?
I don’t set out to achieve – However, I do keep count.
I read 45 books and listened to 77 and did not finish 34 because they were either boring or due back to the library before I could get to them.
I hiked a few more than 3,068,698 steps most of them solo.
I kept my girlish figure, within a pound or two all year. (except in Dec when I went a little nutty with the snacks and self pity with the shingles).
Gave away 7 quilts and more than 35 tote bags as “random acts of fabric”.
We started eating a whole foods/plant based diet for the most part. I find it boring as hell, it takes a lot of time and effort, and of course, it is good for us. Still, every once in a while – we happily go hog wild and have a steak or some ribs!
I started drawing quick sketches of people and joined 300 plus people from all around the world on Monday mornings with a zoom group.

What was your biggest failure?
I do not suffer in silence.
I thought I was immune to the shingles because I had them before, so I didn’t get the vaccine. Big mistake!
I read the ferry schedule backwards and we missed a nice lunch with Ed and Marsha (made up for it at a later date)

Did you suffer illness or injury?
Overall, Ken and I are well and healthy, but it won’t sound like it when you read the following:
I had a stroke,
I spent a day in the ER with chest pains that thankfully turned out to be a shitty side effect from a stupid prescription drug for arthritis – that I’ve since quit taking.
I had stupid eye surgery again, this time to remove a pterygium.
My family genetics gave me high cholesterol that came to light.
I got overheated hiking and fainted in the woods. The good news is I was with friends on that particular hike and came to with Sue petting my cheek, it actually felt delightful!
I got the fucking shingles for the second time.
We both had colds this year yet, are still in the “not yet” category when it comes to Covid.
We both had dental dramas and both got new glasses.
Ken is well and came through clean and clear with his annual check up, and all his numbers are good! He is a rock star nurse and took great care of me through all my dramas.
All this sounds horrid and parts were, yet our days are good.

What was the best thing you bought?
A heat pump for the downstairs and shop.
New hiking boots.
An ironing board cover!
Regular massages
Ken got a few new tools for his shop.
We have a full wood shed, a closet full of fabric and art supplies, and of course, a freezer full of blueberries.

Whose behaviour merited celebration?
First and foremost is Ken Parker. The man is good. I am lucky he is in my life. Then there is Art Hudson, Erica Anderson, Jess Rice, Anna Michael, Kathy Granger, Jeff at our library, Trina Raper, Patrick Vissor, and of course my BFF Sandie Moss!

Whose behaviour appalled you?
The majority of the USA – You know who you are… (and are probably not reading this!) Still, seriously – WTF? And fuck you if you voted for that fucker! Sadly, Canada is right behind them and yes, I’m appalled!

Where did most of your money go?
Look in Ken’s shop and in our bellies! Haha. The heat pump wasn’t cheap. Neither was the dentist, food is stupid expensive and still we are fortunate to be able to say most of our money goes towards making life easier for ourselves and others.

What did you get really excited about?
Wearing a bra again after shingles. My girls were tired and sore!
I really love spending hours alone in the woods.
The Christmas dinner Kas ordered for us as a gift! Yum! Yum!
A new waffle iron, surprise chocolate, an on-line drawing class, and socks that came in spite of the Canada Post strike
Reading Greek Mythology captivated me – those gods are crazy!
Finally getting around to reading Salman Rushdie and discovering  Natalie Haynes books

What song will always remind you of 2024?
The songs on Art Hudson’s album Party Animal

Compared to this time last year, are you:
i. happier or sadder?  Happier ( with more angst)
ii. thinner or fatter?  I am one pound over my self-imposed weight range.
iii. richer or poorer?  Richer in all ways that matter.

What do you wish you’d done more of?
Hike, hike, hike

Did you fall in love in 2024?
Ken has my devotion and heart. Our life together is good. We celebrated 41 years of marital bliss this year. I could not have asked for a better partner in life.

What was your favourite TV program?
I record TV shows, then fast forward through them. I watched a lot of the Olympics, and I got sucked into watching Blue Bloods, and The Rookie. Time well wasted.

Have you let go of any resentment or have a regret you cling to?
I will always resent selfish, stingy and narcissistic people in general, Specifically, who cares?
I regret being so whiny with the pain of shingles, but come on… it was brutal! .

What was the best book you read?
I read a lot this year and I listened to a lot as well –
Mythos by Stephen Fry wins best book for me of 2024 and in second place Pandora’s Jar by Nataile Haynes
Anything Salman Rushdie wrote – I swallowed his stories with awe.
A few other favourites were:
Northwoods by Daniel Mason
The House I Loved by Tatiana de Rosnay
How Not to Die by Dr. Michael Gregor
The Frozen Thames by helen Humphreys
Midnight Blue by Simone Van Der Vlugt
The Unseen by Roy Jacobsen
Circling the Sun by Paula McLain
Yellowface by RF Kaung
Deacon King Kong by James McBride
Fifty Words for Rain by Asha Lemmie
What is Left the Daughter by Howard Norman
The Forgotten Daughter by Joanna Goodman
Jemez by Mark David Albert
Clara and Mr.Tiffany by Susan Vreeland
Best surprise read was:
Little Big Man by Thomas Berger
Then there were the Greeks – OMG! I loved the insanity of the Greek Gods!
The Song of Achilles by Madeline Miller
A Thousand Ships by Natalie Hayes
Circe by Madeline Miller
Pandora’s Jar by Natalie Hayes
Mythos by Stephen Fry
Divine Might by Natalie Haynes
Apparently I could go on and on. I also read quite a few Graphic Novels.

What was your greatest musical (re)discovery?
I’m not very adventurous when it comes to music and go days without listening to it. However another of my paintings was used for the cover on a CD for the Art Hudson Band!
I do love hearing Ken sing when he plays guitar.
Maybe this year – I’ll make an effort to listen to some music as well as  the audiobooks I enjoy.

What did you want and get?
A great life
Forty friggin years of sobriety!

What did you want and not get?
Really, really Drunk and really, really high! Seriously!
I still want new furniture for the living room.
A woman President in the White House
Sanity in politics

What was your favourite film of this year?
I’m not a movie person. Ken and I watch Dr. Seuess’s The Grinch together each year. Does that count? I don’t know why we even have Netflix, all I ever seem to watch is the stupid guide.

What did you do on your birthday, and how old were you?
I turned 69 on May 20. I got a lot of attention, cards, a visit from friends, and two cakes and of course I went for a hike!

What one thing made the year immeasurably more satisfying?
One thing – being married to Ken Parker. And I’m not just saying that, he really does make everything better and easier.

How would you describe your personal fashion concept in 2024?
I continue to literally wear the same ole. This year, I received a lot of Diane Kehoe’s clothes after she died and can now dress up fancy in true hippie style. Marian gave me two of her fancy hats, one has feathers and I sure enjoy wearing them. Mostly, I continue to wear hiking pants and boots and long sleeve turtle neck shirts. A hat is usually on my head when I go outside.

What political issue stirred you the most?
Seriously? Put your seatbelt on – it’s going to be bumpy.
Yes, I know my privilege.

Who and what did you miss?
Who I miss –
I miss hanging out and laughing with Art and his silly kitty Mittens.
I miss having a cat
I still really miss my mom, Kim, and Patti.

What did I miss?
Pork chops, and bacon.
Living pain free
I didn’t miss many activities as we like staying home. However, please remember when dealing with your introverted friends… We may not go, but we always want to be invited!

Who was the best new person you met?
Our librarian Jeff.
Jeff has become our personal librarian. He began by picking books of interest for Ken and putting them aside for him. Then he put a few books on hold for me – well, I must say it is GREAT to go to the library and have a book chosen for you. He has picked some wonderful reads for us both.

Tell us a valuable life lesson you learned in 2024.
Marry well
Never get shingles!
Forget the nouns – enjoy the verbs
A small gift is never inappropriate
Take joy in the minutia of a day. What we do daily will determine how we look back on our life.
Be kind
We never finish grieving the death of a loved one. We learn to live without them and it sucks.
Never underestimate the ignorance of a voter.

What happens when you die?
First off, the people who love me, will cry and miss me. Then hopefully they will come and clean out my stuff.

On we go, with love


2 thoughts on “TheYearinReview

  1. Jamie

    Thanks for a brilliant, engaging review! For me, I’m learning more and better about how to be in the world. I didn’t think I’d have so much to learn and to give as a ‘senior’; this fact continually surprises me and renews me moment by moment. Here’s to a new year.

  2. Tamsin

    Can’t remember who said it, but you and Ken continue to “suck the marrow” from life and enjoy it to the fullest. Perhaps that would be plant-based marrow in 2024. Loved to read your thoughts on 2024. Specially appreciated your thought about wanting to be invited – even if you don’t feel like venturing out! I get that!! Hope to cross the straits and see you in 2025. We send all our biggest hugs to you and Ken.


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