
December 31st, 2018 by Jan

It’s a beautiful, clear, and cold last day of 2018, on the coast.

This year, like others, we floated like a leaf on the river of life. We struggled in the downward spiral of politics, and we stood hand in hand, when our heath and hearts were challenged, and personally, I fought the same fucking 10 pounds, I’ve been fighting since 1973.

I’m still working on the 2018 year in review questionnaire. So today’s post is just a ramble to tell those I love, that I love them.

Years ago, when my friend Jan Daly was sick, and still in denial, she would not allow anyone to have “negative” talk around her. By doing this, she made it hard for her friends to say good bye.

It was around the time of her death, that I learned how important the lesson of speaking up was. Because she wouldn’t let me say what I wanted to her, I started the practice of telling people in my life, that I love them on a regular basis. I started making it part of our conversation.

Saying, I love you, in everyday conversation, is a conscious practice. I find it smooths the road, so I won’t have to have to struggle with words or feelings, when they really matters.

So, hear me now, and I hope you hear me often…
I love you! My life is better because you are in it.

And here is a special Happy Birthday shout out to my sister-in-law, Lynn, I love you!

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