
by Jan


Here we are again. Being retired, homebodies, introverts continues to pay off for Ken and I, yet as we enter the third year of this pandemic, we are weary and we know our good fortune. So, here we go…Optimism is not necessarily a symptom of insanity, maybe it is an attempt to preserve sanity

The Year in Review in simple question and answer form.

What did you do in 2021 that you’ve never done before?
Experienced a heat dome, atmospheric rivers, cyclone bombs as the climate has changed!

Did you keep your New Year’s resolutions, and will you make more for next year?
For 2021 the motto was… Together Again. Didn’t really happen, however we had a tad more social time than the year before. For the coming year, we’ll just take it one day at time. Covid is still a topic and it totally depends on the day how much attitude I carry around.
BC has over 90% of the population vaccinated and still we go into the new year with restrictions and high rates of the illness. In 2022, my motto may be High HO Mighty, as I do ride a high horse from the safety of our home.

Did anyone close to you give birth?
Kas became a Grandma to twin girls Milley and Charlie
Ed and Marsha welcomed grandbaby Otis

Did anyone close to you die?
Yes, way too many. Let me name a few
Dick Rochester
Patti Brown
Peter Montgomery
Aunt Pearl
Brian Hoover
Mary Shipley
Joan Baker

Some well loved doggys died.
Maggie the Corgi

And people we love, lost people they loved
Joe’s brother
Michelle’s dad
Michael’s dad and uncle
Jim’s mom
heather’s mom
Hansoo’s mom
Tereasa’s mom
Cousin Art’s wife

Covid is still killing people at an alarming rate, and street drugs deaths are record breaking. This years “natural” disasters in BC killed a lot of people and animals. More than 600 people died during the heat dome for example and the effects, especially on the wildlife will continue to reverberate for years.

What countries did you visit?
Travel is still off the table for us. We only took three ferry trips off the coast, two to Bowen Island and one adventure to Powell River.

What would you like to have in 2022  that you lacked in 2021?
The comfort we held in the past to go, see, and do and join.

What events from 2021 will remain etched upon your memory?
Getting the vaccine.
Hugging a friend after keeping our distance.
Screaming through cataract surgery, (literally) and the awesome job Nurse Ken did of taking care of me.
Being able to say goodbye and I love you, to Peter in palliative care
Taking some incredible and adventurous hikes with MuMu in the woods.

What was your biggest achievement of the year?
I read 35 books and listened to 47.
I kept my girlish figure, within a pound or two all year.
Gave away 17 quilts, and continue to raise money for our food bank sewing tote bags, tea cozies, and potholders.
I joined the local quilt guild.
I held two babies! That makes a grand total of 4 babies held in my life time!

What was your biggest failure?
Besides some of the watercolour paintings that go sideways, I find I still ride a very high judgmental horse and have a hard time getting off it.

Did you suffer illness or injury?
Ken and I are well. It was my turn for cataract surgery on both eyes. Most of my bits are in good working order with the odd, pains in my shoulder, knee and jaw.
I continue to make progress from the head injury the stupid dentist gave me a few years ago.
I fell once in the woods and only bruised my ego.
Gratefully, both Ken and I are healthy.

What was the best thing you bought?
We aren’t big shoppers, however we are able to keep ourselves well stocked in supplies for our many hobbies. We continue to eat like kings, and we are able to share our wealth.

Whose behaviour merited celebration?
The people who live on Isola Peak Ave. in Las Vegas. I salute the way they came together to help my brother through his hip replacement surgery. Special shout out to Gary, Jim, Maxine, and Roy.
Also, our friends Kas Sears, Patrick Visser, Jess Rice, Anna Michael, Kathy Granger, Trina Raper, Dr. Julie Baxter, and my brother Art. Salute!
I continue to cheer the everyday actions of my husband Ken.

Whose behaviour appalled you?
Anti vaxers, and those who protest in front of hospitals wearing fucking yellow stars! Are you kidding me? Just get the shot people!

Where did most of your money go?
I’m grateful to be able to say most of our money went towards food, hobbies, donations, and gifts, oh and a car muffler.

What did you get really excited about?
Getting chocolate in the mail from Hansoo and Jacqui
The big box of El Pinto and Hatch green chile my brother sent.
Eating in a restaurant.
Hugging a friend. (it all sounds so simple yet, it was all so grand!)

What song will always remind you of 2021?
A little ditty I wrote myself called,  “I’m going up and down the stairs again today!”

Compared to this time last year, are you:
i. happier or sadder?  As happy, with a few more WTF moments.
ii. thinner or fatter?  At this writing I’m exactly the same!
iii. richer or poorer?  Richer.

What do you wish you’d done more of?
I want to say socialized yet, when I had opportunity, I choose not to go.
Eating out.
I know you master what you practice, and Ken and I are very practiced in staying home and entertaining ourselves.

Did you fall in love in 2021?
Ken has my heart. I feel so fortunate that our life together is easy.
Now, while MuMu is MuMu, the dog Max, who lives down the street is… just too cute!

What was your favourite TV program?
I record TV shows, then fast forward through them. I watch only the last 10 minutes of baking, sewing, singing, and painting competition shows just to see what and who wins.
I did watch a lot of old CSI and Elementary shows.

Have you any resentments or regrets?
I resented selfish and stingy people.
I regret never learning how to make tamales.

What was the best book you read?
I read a lot this year. A few favourites:
The Invisible Life of Addie LeRue by V.E. Schwab,
Sold on a Monday by Christina Morris,
Paying the Land by Joe Sacco,
Infinate Jest by David Foster Wallace,
The Decameron Project by 29 different writers,
The Winter Rose, The Wild Rose and The Tea Rose, all by Jennifer Donnelly.
Oh and How to Change Your Mind by Michael Pollan! I guess I could go on and on….Oh, and, The Dangers of Smoking in Bed by Mariana Enriquez, and Swamp Angel by Ethel Wilson.

What was your greatest musical (re)discovery?
Music is not a big part of my life. Listening to Ken sing when he plays guitar is still my joy. I will stop everything and dance or sing along if I hear any song from the 60s or Dean Martin.

What did you want and get?
I got to talk openly with my doctor, Julie Baxter about my addiction and alcoholism! It was wonderful.
I got tickets to Hamilton for a May 2022 showing (fingers crossed we get to go)

What did you want and not get?
Fries with that! Evening snacks!
Invited to join in on some adventurous hikes.

What was your favourite film of this year?
Do video painting lessons by the wonderful Jess Rice count as films?

What did you do on your birthday, and how old were you?
I turned 66 on May 20. I had a wonderful celebration hike with several of my girlfriends. It was the first real social thing I’d done since Covid hit. We ate cake in the backyard and I wore a boa! It was grand.

What one thing made the year immeasurably more satisfying?
One thing — being double vaccinated and showing proof with a QR Vax passport.

How would you describe your personal fashion concept in 2021?
Yesterday, I realized I wear dead people’s clothes: My pants belonged to Jan Daly, the scarf was Peter Montgomery’s, gloves – Kim Cox, shirt -Janice Wood, hat – Bill Hudson. Who cares what I wear? I wear the same clothes I’ve worn for years and years. I do have a new pair of hiking boots!

What political issue stirred you the most?
I stir easily. It’s best for me to keep my head down.
BC’s weather disasters have been a challenge – if only we’d been warned about this climate change shit.
The graves “found” at the residential schools are beyond understanding.
The people who do “their own research” drive me round the bend.
Don’t get me started on Texas, abortion, republicans, or whack-a-doodle Christians.
Yes, I know my privilege.

Who and what did you miss?
Who I miss – let me get the list. If you are reading this, I miss you!
I miss the ease of meeting new people!
I miss an orange cat named Peet.
I miss Patti Brown a lot. Knowing she is not walking the earth is heartbreaking.
I miss my mom.

What did I miss?
I ask that question daily!

Who was the best new person you met?
This is a tough one. I haven’t met many new people.

Tell us a valuable life lesson you learned in 2021.
Get your brush wet!
Better safe than dead!
Sisyphus Rocks!
It’s not that hard to be kind or generous.
If you have the chance to say goodbye – say it.

Most of all, I see how simple and content my world is, and I realize I have a totally different idea of what constitutes the “best or worst” of anything.


by Jan
Well, after four long and horrid years, he leaves more than 400,000 dead in his wake.
I can only hope for peace and progress going forward.
As with so many others, I breathe a sigh of relief.
On we go. Call me when the fucker goes to jail.
I’m wearing pearls and sneakers today.


by Jan

Oh what a year it’s been for all of us. I will say Ken and I are very fortunate to be weathering this storm in a sturdy boat, in very safe harbour. Being retired, homebodies, and introverts made the year easier, and… boy howdy, none of this has been easy.

So, here’s my annual
Year in Review in simple question and answer form.

What did you do in 2020 that you’ve never done before?
I wore a mask over my face in a bank. As a matter of fact, I wore a mask over my face every time I went in public and I also didn’t spend much time in public.

Did you keep your New Year’s resolutions, and will you make more for next year?
In 2020 I made two resolutions. One was to hike at least 52 new trails. This is an easy yes. I hiked a lot and logged at least 2,000 km. The second was to work my way through the Martha Stewart Bakes cookbook. I baked a lot, but hardly made a dent in Martha’s book.
For 2021 I make no promises or resolutions. I’ve been thinking on motto’s though and I’m leaning towards… Together Again. Sounds nice, doesn’t it?

Did anyone close to you give birth?
My friend Becky became a grandma, I think Kat and Kevin had another baby as well.

Did anyone close to you die?
Shall I say their names? And, at the time of this writing… 14,936 dead in Canada, 808 in BC, 1 in Sechelt, 341,000 plus dead in the states  and 1,771,177 so far worldwide. On a personal note, people I love, lost people they loved. So I call the name of Debs sister, Linda, Sandie’s brother Scott, Sheri’s mom Sandy, Joyce’s husband Ronnie, and Anna’s mom Irene. Salute.

What countries did you visit?
We stayed in Canada. Actually, we stayed in Sechelt and at home on Samron Rd. I moved around a lot in the living room, kitchen, bedroom, and sewing room, the bathroom was a fave. I got out hiking in the woods a lot with MuMu.

What would you like to have in 2021 that you lacked in 2020?

What events from 2020 will remain etched upon your memory?
Ken and I stayed healthy during the pandemic. Like Sisyphus I rolled the same rock up the hill each day in the form of sewing, reading, hiking, and cooking. Learning to paint has been as hard as learning to read. My head explodes and expands with each lesson. Getting lost in the woods will stick with me for a while.

What was your biggest achievement of the year?
I read or listened to 82 books. I took painting lessons on-line. I figured out how to thread and use a serger! I sewed a lot of face masks, and raised a lot of money for the food bank.

What was your biggest failure?
I ride a very high horse and have a hard time getting off it.

Did you suffer illness or injury?
Ken and I are well. Ken had cataract surgery on both eyes, and I was put on the wait list to be next. I fell hiking once and had a big bruise on my bum, and my jaw and ears continue to give me trouble from the head injury the stupid dentist gave me a few years ago, but… gratefully, we are quite healthy for a couple of old folks!

What was the best thing you bought?
I sew and paint like a millionaire, and we eat like kings. Oh, we bought a fancy cover for the van.

Whose behaviour merited celebration?
People who wash their hands, mask up, stay home, keep calm and stay nice. Dr. Bonny Henry is a rock star. Kelly at Coastal Organics earns 5 stars! I continue to cheer the everyday actions of my husband Ken, Sandie, Kas, Jess, Anna, Ross and Tyler, Kathy, and my brother Art. Salute!

Whose behaviour appalled you?
I find ALL of the GOP disgusting. Anti maskers, anti vaxers, and people who ignored the stay at home orders just piss me off.

Where did most of your money go?
Sadly, even though we didn’t go anywhere, we spent a whack of money on car and van repairs. I’d say most of our money went toward hobbies and into our bellies.

What did you get really excited about?
Drive by parades! Hiking, sewing, reading, painting, cooking and realizing I’m okay doing the same thing over and over each day.

What song will always remind you of 2020?
Anything by the Rolling Stones, or John Prine singing, Hello in there.

Compared to this time last year, are you:
happier or sadder?  Happier, with more cranky moments.
ii. thinner or fatter?  Same and what a journey it’s been to be able to say that.
iii. richer or poorer?  Richer.

What do you wish you’d done more of?
I wish we could have taken a road trip, or had friends over.

What do you wish you’d done less of?
I ride a pretty high horse, and there are times I wish I could get off. I also complain about the neighbours and living in an industrial park a lot. I wish I didn’t need to! Ha Ha!

Did you fall in love in 2020?
Ken has my heart, he’s a really good man, and well, MuMu sure makes us laugh.

What was your favourite TV program?
I record TV shows, then fast forward through them. I watch Great Performances, Masterpiece, and detective shows like Vera and Lewis. I watch TV, and don’t care about most of it. I yell at and talk back to TV shows. Never take the fast forward feature from me.

Have you let go of any resentment or have a regret you cling to?
I find I really resent people who ignore Covid safety and travel protocols, and I regret being so judgmental of them. I will hate that ghoul Mitch McConnell to my dying day. Same goes with that other fucker that hurt so many.

What was the best book you read?
The book that stuck with me the most was Will Carver’s Nothing Important Happened Today. What a twisted and brilliant mind fuck that was.

What was your greatest musical (re)discovery?
I like the Deezer app and put it on random play, and I like oldies. Of course listening to Ken sing when he plays guitar is still my favourite joy. Ringing bells and singing when I hike keeps the bears away!

What did you want and get?
On-line painting and drawing lessons with Jess Rice! Time alone in the woods.

What did you want and not get?
Company, a road trip, and a professional haircut.

What was your favourite film of this year?
I don’t watched many movies.

What did you do on your birthday, and how old were you?
I turned 65 on May 20th. No party for me, yet Patti Brown made a four layer coconut, butter pecan cake for me! It was incredible and because of the no company rules, I didn’t have to share with anyone except Ken! I also qualified for OAS which is money Canada gives to old people every month!

What one thing made the year immeasurably more satisfying?
One thing — Watching MuMu and her best friend Oliver play.

How would you describe your personal fashion concept in 2020?
Who cares what I wear? I wear the same clothes I’ve worn for years and years. Literally, the same clothes! Okay, I now wear a mask as well.

What political issue stirred you the most?
Seriously? What doesn’t stir politically?  I know my privilege.

Who and what did you miss?
Who I miss: Company! Kim, mom and Peet. I really miss my brother Art and am grateful we text often.
What I miss: Friendly HUGS, dinners out, drop in friends, easy travel, game night, and wandering around a store. I miss picking things up and putting them back down. I miss having a cat. I miss a covid free world.

Who was the best new person you met?
Kas! Technically I met Kas in December 2019, when her dog Oliver met MuMu in the park. The dogs became instant best friends, and so Kas and I had no choice but to get to know each other. We have been able to distance hike together with the dogs, and, it’s been grand. Kas is a member of our local RCMP. I’ve never had a cop for a friend before and I’m very grateful for her friendship, her outlook on life and her service to our community. Salute!

Tell us a valuable life lesson you learned in 2020.
Biggest lesson reinforced – Better safe than dead.
While I do think a purposeful life is overrated, … perhaps a repetitive one is as well.
On we go! With gratitude and love.


by Jan

With Covid19, the west coast on fire, a crazy moth infestation, protests, riots, and insane, cruel and corrupt governments running rampart, asking, where are we going and why are we in this hand-basket? is a fair question.

All this is not just a 2020 thing. We’ve worked up to this horror over the years, day by day. We are dealing with the climate changes we were warned about and ignored. And a lot of the trouble we see now is the direct result of a life with the inter-web and social media addiction and manipulation.

I watched The Social Dilemma on Netflix the other night and well, holy shit, or maybe I should say Holy shift! My pal, Art Baner has a pondering pipe and I’ve metaphorically borrowed it this last week.

I am not a shaker or mover in the world, and no one can call me an activist. However, I like to think, that while, I do what I can to make the world a better place, I know for certain, I don’t do all I can. I also know my privilege in just being able to say those words.

Ken and I are well and safe today. And, when so many others are not, it’s hard to justify my putting my head in the sand, yet, as I ponder…justify is exactly what I’m going to do.

I haven’t felt the need to post on this bloggy thing for a while — mostly because I use other outlets. I have a few internet pen pals and can ramble, vent, rant and pontificate each day quite easily. Because of the inter-web, I can share my dramas, traumas, joys and celebrations with a click of a button, and feel somewhat heard and seen. I’ve been grateful for these outlets, especially in these strange times of isolation and social distancing.

Before Covid19 I never watched the news. Today, I turn to Dr. Henry and the CBC more often. Sometimes I watch Trevor Noah but, I don’t like to get serious news from TV comedians or from postings and videos on Facebook.  I get outraged easily. I also realize,  that what news I do get, is from sought-after and like minded sources. Sources that are totally bias to my way of thinking. (An example: I would never watch FOX news, but do read Heather Cox Richardson.)

My father who was a life long member of the GOP, died before the last election. I wonder how he would react to the happenings of today. I like to think he would turn away,  yet… he watched Fox News a lot and believed it, so maybe not. I know we were divided on issues long before the current shit show.

I’m shocked when conservatives (in Canada as well as the US) vote for and pass horrible and hateful policies, putting money and pseudo religion first. I often asked myself, how can anyone think any of that is okay? How are we so different in our values and understandings of the world? Don’t they see and read what I do? Don’t they understand the world out there? How can anyone think that and not this?

The Social Dilemma show – clarified it for me.

No, “they” don’t see what I do and I don’t see what they are fed. The developers of social media make sure of this. I only see what they want to show me, because they’ve been watching me and notice the things I’ve “liked” and the searches I personally go on.

I see what I agree with, from people who agree with me. This is mainly because of what I post and click on. I also help “them” out by blocking or “friending” others depending on what they post and click on.

Social media creators admit that when they started these platforms, they had high hopes of joyful connections and bringing people together. And, they did. As a result,  I reap the benefit of an on-line community in so many ways.

Unfortunately a byproduct of social media has also divided us and has had a big hand in destroying democracy.


So, after some pondering… here is how I’m going to justify my continued use of social media.

I acknowledge and accept responsibility that by participating, I am part of the problem. In the same way I am participating in climate change by driving a car and consuming goods.

I am grateful to be older and not have children. If I was younger or raising a family, I would hope my actions would be different. Alas, I am older, have no children, and my life is simple. I know, “they” know all about me. I’m guessing they probably find me boring and yet, I’m still addicted enough to feed the bastards.

(Side point… The only business that calls customers “users” are drug dealers and social media giants.)

Of all the platforms social media offers, I use email and Facebook the most. I use What’s App with four friends who refuse to be on Facebook, and, being connected to them is important to me, so I went there with them. I don’t use twitter, Istagram, tic toc, or other platforms.

I like Facebook. I’m not willing to give it up. I don’t have an all or nothing mindset with social media. I would miss it and my friends around the world if I deleted my account. I’m a Nosey Parker. I like seeing what my friends are up to.

What I can do, is set better boundaries for myself. I can change some of my on-line habits for the better.

I’ve turned off all notifications. I don’t, won’t and never have accepted friend requests from people I don’t know.

The friends I do have are actual friends. There is only one person in my list of friends, I’ve not met in actual life. I also belong to a few FB groups, like quilting groups, local FYI groups, buy and sell pages, and save the bears organizations. As of this week, I’ve un-joined most of these.

The less I click the better. I will no longer watch suggested videos or show my support or displeasure by clicking on anything other than personal updates.

However, show me a picture of your dinner, hike or family and I’ll be all over it. Show me how the asshat is a fucker, and I will no longer agree or disagree publicly. If you know me, you know where I stand and who I support.

I will continue to enjoy and click “like” even “love” when Gaby shows me the photo of her kayaking, or Becky shows the sunrise photo she took. I love it when Joel post a pic of his dog, and Laurie shares her trip to Ireland. I especially want to know that while Jim and heather needed to evacuate because of fire, they are safe, and that while Joanne is in isolation because of Covid, she is okay. I like the silliness my brothers posts, and the low tech Sunday serenade Tommy plays on his guitar, and oh I do love it when Jess and Lainey share their art work. And, I will continue to post photos of MuMu and I hiking, of Ken up to something, and I hope one day, I will start to have contest time again.

This is the community I need and love. I’m not willing to give it up, even with the full knowledge that I am helping make zillionaires into bazillionaires.

I’ve said from the beginning, social media has to be fun and it’s only fun if you play. I’ve purged people who don’t play, and I block friends that instigate trouble..

Alas, if you are reading this, please know I cherish my friendships and want them to continue. If you choose to leave social media, please don’t leave the friendship. Find another way to connect. Call or write.

Because of the inter-web, we are seeing more of the world than ever before. And because of social media, that sadly that includes the good, bad and oh so very ugly news and actions that are meant to divide us. But, don’t forget, as manipulated as we are, we are also seeing families, friends and communities come together.

We may be complicit but are not helpless.

Do something good for yourself and the world today. Maybe watch the Social Dilemma and choose well what you post, and when you click.


by Jan

It’s my “gotcha day”
One whole year ago I came to live with the Parkers in Sechelt.
Let me tell you how it’s been. But first off – big Happy Birthday wishes to Patti Brown!

As some of you know, I used to live with another lady in another town and then she died. She was very sick for a long time, and I was a good comfort to her. We both stay in bed, day after day for several years, and then one day, it all changed. Someone took me to the Bowen Island Dog Ranch. That’s when a nice man named Steve call Jan and Ken to come meet me.

Here is a picture of that first meeting.

When I first met Jan and Ken, I tried to smile, but I was real sad and scared. I was also pretty chubby, and I had a very hard time walking. I just wanted to sleep.

All that has change.

First off, I’m a very happy dog now. I lost a lot of weight and now run and play to my hearts content. I still nap a lot, and I still get to eat cookies! (Just not as many as before.)

I’ve made a lot of new friends here. But, for some strange reason, we haven’t seen many in month and months. Besides Jan and Ken, my favourite people are Sarah and Maylynn. They are really nice and sometimes I have a sleep over, they take me swimming. I know a nice man named Iain who gives me baths and haircuts and I come home smelling all sweet. The vets at the Sechelt Animal Hospital are nice, and even when they poke on me or give me medicine and shots, I still get a cookie. I like it best when I get on a scale there, and everyone cheers for me! They tell me I’m a good and pretty dog, who is also strong and healthy.

My best friend is Oliver. We hit it off right away. We have a lot of fun together. We run and romp and play tug and it’s great! I also play with Oshy and Max and once I played with a really big dog named Trigger. I get to hike with Honey, Diesel and Suki, but they’re little dogs and mostly ignore me, except Diesel… he barks at me.

Moser is some sort of family to me. He eats my toys though and I haven’t seen him in a really long time. (sometimes I send him a card). I have a cousin named Blue. I have Facebook friends too. Mimi, Maggie, Willie, Woodstock, Henri, Carlos, Helen, and Lt. Dan, oh and I can’t forget Louie, Aspen and Stella. I’m pen pals with a puppy named Georgie. I know some cats too – Mittens, Boots, Maize and Hazel. I would totally chase the cats given the chance! I chase squirrels, balls and sticks too.

I like to play in mud puddles! If I see water, I will jump in! I also like to eat grass, and I check my “pee mail” everyday around the neighbourhood.

I don’t mean to brag but, I get fed really good food everyday! Plus, Ken takes me walking in the mornings and I go with Jan on high adventures in the afternoon. Then I nap. I have my own place on the sofa and can look out the window. I also have my own chair, dish, bed and house! It’s nice.

I have a lot of toys, my favourite is the warthog MayLynn gave me. (I have to hide it from Moser!) I love big sticks and balls. Oh and… my soft pony, yellow duck, brown bunny, tweedy, and the Christmas jingle thingy.

My favourite thing to do is follow Jan around. Where she goes I go. It doesn’t matter if she goes up and down the stairs 100 times. I’m with her! I even follow her to the bathroom! She loves it! Ha-Ha!

I wag my tail hard when I see Ken. I really like him, but I don’t like to leave Jan alone for long. At night, Ken and I both go pee, in the back yard before bed! We do the same thing in the morning. He and I play silly games too! It’s fun. But, then I run back to Jan because she misses me.

Not everything is grand!

I do not like being left alone, someone still needs to come with me in the yard. The car is bad. I really don’t like the car. I hang my head low when we go for a ride and if I get left in the car, I will HOWL! I am able to get into the car all by myself now, but I prefer to make a big deal out of it! I like the drama involved. I take my own sweet time and pretend I’m helpless, even when I know there’s a cookie in for me sooner or later. I’m very happy to get OUT of the car and can jump out really fast, no cookie needed!

Jan says, it’s a good thing that I’m a very good dog and super cute, because while I am able to do things, like sit, stay, come, lie down, and go away… I only like to do those things when I feel like it. I don’t like others telling me what to do. I’m a good and happy dog, but I’m nobody’s circus dog. I’m very stubborn. Show me the cookie and I’ll think about doing your bidding… sometimes, but don’t count on it.

Well, that’s my story for now. It’s been a good and strange year.

I’m having a happy Gotcha day with Jan and Ken! I hope I get a new toy or fancy cookie in celebration.

I also hope anyone who reads this, is happy with who ever got you too!
Smell you later,


by Jan

Type, type, type… delete, delete, delete…This seems to be a strong theme for me right now.

I have opinions!! And, while I prefer to err on the side of generosity, it is easy to be frighten and worried.

Love in the time of Covid19 is hard — and so very necessary.

The coast community is full of caring folks. People who tend to support each other. Yet, five weeks into the protocol of how to live with Covid19, it’s no wonder we are getting all itchy and scratchy.

There’s some crazy hoopla going on right now. People are ranting and raving in the newspaper, on street corners and on social media. These people are loud enough for me to think OMG – we’re doomed!

The problem you see, is other people!
You know… Those people… the ones who aren’t doing what Dr. Bonnie says to do! THEM!

The angry are starting to harass THEM. People are being encouraged to “Name and Shame” when they see someone not following the “rules”. Some locals have gone absolutely nuts with fear and worry about people who don’t live here. THOSE damn tourist, traveling on the ferry, for the long weekend. THEM!

People holding signs up along the highway, screaming, GO HOME! On the community Facebook page there are calls for someone who NEEDS TO DO SOMETHING! Letters to the editor saying, SIGN THE PETITION! CALL THE COPS! How do we KEEP PEOPLE AWAY, ARREST THEIR ASS, and SHUT DOWN THE FERRY!

It’s been some crazy and cruel hoopla. From the looks of the madness, there are hoards of people coming to the coast spreading disease and they just don’t care! You know the kind… THEM.

It is easy to fall into the trap. We are staying home, why can’t THEY?

I know full well, I can’t control what others do. Yet, darn it, right now, what others do can be dangerous, especially if they aren’t doing it like I am!

I was pretty upset with other people doing this and that… and then…
A few days ago, a RCMP cruiser pull into our driveway!

A cop car in our driveway! Yikes!
What happen was, I sewed some face masks, for a friend, and she came by to pick them up. That’s right – I’m friends with a cop!

I doubt she knows this, but her short visit changed me, profoundly.

Ken and I told her (from the safety of appropriate distance) how much we appreciated her and the work she is doing. We said, we felt bad for all the calls she was surely getting from so many angry people, and how it must be so hard, especially now. We also expressed our concerns about the strange times we are in right now.

What happen — instead of agreeing with us, or joining in with her own complaints …  She showed us how having compassion, staying calm, and listening, is doing the next right thing.

Maybe it was her training as a public servant, maybe her personality shown through. Perhaps it was a mix of the two — She addressed our concerns with such presence, gentleness, and compassion, that our rants dissolved. In a matter of moments, we were reminded that despite a few loud asshats, we live in a caring community, with people doing their best, in a difficult time.

Ken and I witnessed — those who are hired to “Serve and Protect,” are doing just that.

In my past, the cops, in general, were not people I admired or trusted. Today, my friend the cop, changed that for me. Because of her we calmed down and were truly comforted. Salute!

Oh, and all that hoopla about the tourist coming over…
Well, it didn’t happen. BC Ferries showed the weekend numbers. A normal sailing to the coast, carries 1500 people, per sailing. Right now, the number of sailings have been cut, and the number of people on each boat has been limited. Over the holiday weekend, each sailing had less than 350 people on the boats, going both directions.

So, while a few scream and holler … people really are staying home. Actually, there was much ado about nothing.

I don’t think many of us need a cop telling us to calm down. I believe we can all be that friend and example for each other. No one wants to shut down our civil liberties and yes, we need to aware, but we don’t need to be consumed by fear. When we get a little nutty, (and we all do) let’s remind ourselves and each other that there are resources and help at the ready.

Most importantly, there are those we can count on in hard and scary times. And not just the cops, either, we can count on each other. People truly are doing the next right thing.

My brother tells me everyday, “Do your best.” I will add, “Do your best and do it with compassion.”

We may be apart, but we are not alone. We can do this.


by Jan

This art created by my brilliant friend Marian Bantjes hangs on our wall.

It seems like a good time to share it.








Localism by Marian Bantjes

Maybe one day we will all be local
In our small communities structured for survival.
We will hew things out of wood
and farm our plots of land for seasonal food
Our neighbours will be potters, metalsmiths,
bakers, weavers and stonemasons.
We’ll have a primitive doctor
and a sadistic dentist.
The weather will be our enemy, and our savior
gracing us with water
or withholding it for too long.
We will be surrounded by the warmth of animals
using them for everything they have to
give us while struggling to keep them alive.
We’ll know each other well and gather
under Summer stars and around Winter fires
To tell stories about the past.
We’ll assist in births and deaths.
We’ll worry mostly about food.
We’ll draw pictures of each other on skins
and in stone & wood.
Now and then a stranger will come.


by Jan

Years ago, I read a book titled Her Wits about Her: Self-Defense Success Stories by Women. Edited by Denlse Calgnon and Gail Groves.

What I remember most about the book was, there were some stories where — a woman went about her day and NOTHING happened!

The title of the book reminded me, that these were SUCCESS stories!

The point of learning and practicing self defense is so nothing happens and we all get home safely.

Of course, there were also stories in the book of women who fought an attacker, some who were hurt and some were raped.

All who shared their story survived.
Huge success!

We are living in a crazy and scary time right now.

Let’s keep our wits about us. Let’s practice good self (and community) defense, and do the next right thing.


by Jan

In the end of the year review that I write each year — there is one question that I already have the 2020 answer to and we’ve only hit February!

The question is, what’s the best thing you bought this year?

My answer — cleat clips for my hiking boots!

These are rubber strappy things with metal studs, that get stretched around boots, making walking on icy roads and trails possible without doing the penguin waddle!

I tried them out yesterday for the first time and they work like a hot dam! The confidence they provided as I didn’t skate, shuffle, or fall across the parking lot, to trail head was worth the $19. price tag alone!

Climbing up one of the snowy trails was delightful. There was one less thing to worry about on my romp. The other bonus of these clips was the noise they made when I hiked. Click, click, click… No bear or courage could say they didn’t hear me coming. The sound was better than my singing voice and took less energy.

Yesterday’s romp had it all. Ice, snow, water, mud, and sun. MuMu and I had a great time, and when the sun came out, it started to melt the snow in the trees, for postcard beauty!

The one problem with the boot clips was…  I didn’t notice the sound change until I was about 3 km into my hike and looked down to see one of the strappy things had popped off.

Dang it!

I had just been telling myself how cool these cleats were and now, I’d lost one.

I turned around. I was willing to back track with hope I could find it.

Now, usually when I’m in the woods, I watch my step, but I also make sure to look up and enjoy the view. Now, I was on a mission. My head down and my eyes scanning the ground.

The foot prints I left gave me a clue. One had pokey marks, the other was a regular boot print. However, there was also a lot of water on the trail, and soggy mud mixed with ice. The clip thingies are black and could be hard to see on the forest floor.

One km back I found it! Yay!

It must have come off when I jumped over a big mud puddle.

I’m not changing my mind though. These cleats thingies, that keep me on my feet, will go down as the best thing I bought in 2020. Especially if I can keep them on my feet!



by Jan

I just read a book about a book! What’s not to love?

The Shadow of the Wind by Carols Ruiz Zafon was a favourite read of a man I met once, and whose daughter in law, is my forever friend.

I listened to this book while cutting up and sewing together bright Hawaiian batiks that were given to me by another forever friend.

During this past week, I felt creative and smart.

Creative by working with pretty fabric, and smart by listening to this story. The Shadow of the Wind is not a beach book.

An epic story set in 1945, Barcelona. Daniel, the bookseller’s son, is introduced to The Cemetery of Forgotten Books, on the day he says he cannot remember his mothers face.

Tasked with choosing one book that has special meaning to the boy, Daniel makes his selection from the labyrinth to take home and care for. In doing so, he finds himself involved in a life long adventure and mystery. The book he selected was written by a man named Julian Carax, and very well may be the last book in existence by Carax. Someone has been finding the Carax works and destroying them.

Both the story and the quilt, are packed with twists and turns.

This book is full of violence, ripping and gripping. It also has intrigue, love, resolution, and history. Strangely enough, the quilt I’m working on, has taken on the same qualities.

Unlike the book, I’m not yet sure how this quilt will wrap up… yet.

My review of the book is a big five big stars. I light a candle for Eddie in memory, and I send gratitude and love, to my forever friends, Jenny and Sandie.