
December 31st, 2021 by Jan


Here we are again. Being retired, homebodies, introverts continues to pay off for Ken and I, yet as we enter the third year of this pandemic, we are weary and we know our good fortune. So, here we go…Optimism is not necessarily a symptom of insanity, maybe it is an attempt to preserve sanity

The Year in Review in simple question and answer form.

What did you do in 2021 that you’ve never done before?
Experienced a heat dome, atmospheric rivers, cyclone bombs as the climate has changed!

Did you keep your New Year’s resolutions, and will you make more for next year?
For 2021 the motto was… Together Again. Didn’t really happen, however we had a tad more social time than the year before. For the coming year, we’ll just take it one day at time. Covid is still a topic and it totally depends on the day how much attitude I carry around.
BC has over 90% of the population vaccinated and still we go into the new year with restrictions and high rates of the illness. In 2022, my motto may be High HO Mighty, as I do ride a high horse from the safety of our home.

Did anyone close to you give birth?
Kas became a Grandma to twin girls Milley and Charlie
Ed and Marsha welcomed grandbaby Otis

Did anyone close to you die?
Yes, way too many. Let me name a few
Dick Rochester
Patti Brown
Peter Montgomery
Aunt Pearl
Brian Hoover
Mary Shipley
Joan Baker

Some well loved doggys died.
Maggie the Corgi

And people we love, lost people they loved
Joe’s brother
Michelle’s dad
Michael’s dad and uncle
Jim’s mom
heather’s mom
Hansoo’s mom
Tereasa’s mom
Cousin Art’s wife

Covid is still killing people at an alarming rate, and street drugs deaths are record breaking. This years “natural” disasters in BC killed a lot of people and animals. More than 600 people died during the heat dome for example and the effects, especially on the wildlife will continue to reverberate for years.

What countries did you visit?
Travel is still off the table for us. We only took three ferry trips off the coast, two to Bowen Island and one adventure to Powell River.

What would you like to have in 2022  that you lacked in 2021?
The comfort we held in the past to go, see, and do and join.

What events from 2021 will remain etched upon your memory?
Getting the vaccine.
Hugging a friend after keeping our distance.
Screaming through cataract surgery, (literally) and the awesome job Nurse Ken did of taking care of me.
Being able to say goodbye and I love you, to Peter in palliative care
Taking some incredible and adventurous hikes with MuMu in the woods.

What was your biggest achievement of the year?
I read 35 books and listened to 47.
I kept my girlish figure, within a pound or two all year.
Gave away 17 quilts, and continue to raise money for our food bank sewing tote bags, tea cozies, and potholders.
I joined the local quilt guild.
I held two babies! That makes a grand total of 4 babies held in my life time!

What was your biggest failure?
Besides some of the watercolour paintings that go sideways, I find I still ride a very high judgmental horse and have a hard time getting off it.

Did you suffer illness or injury?
Ken and I are well. It was my turn for cataract surgery on both eyes. Most of my bits are in good working order with the odd, pains in my shoulder, knee and jaw.
I continue to make progress from the head injury the stupid dentist gave me a few years ago.
I fell once in the woods and only bruised my ego.
Gratefully, both Ken and I are healthy.

What was the best thing you bought?
We aren’t big shoppers, however we are able to keep ourselves well stocked in supplies for our many hobbies. We continue to eat like kings, and we are able to share our wealth.

Whose behaviour merited celebration?
The people who live on Isola Peak Ave. in Las Vegas. I salute the way they came together to help my brother through his hip replacement surgery. Special shout out to Gary, Jim, Maxine, and Roy.
Also, our friends Kas Sears, Patrick Visser, Jess Rice, Anna Michael, Kathy Granger, Trina Raper, Dr. Julie Baxter, and my brother Art. Salute!
I continue to cheer the everyday actions of my husband Ken.

Whose behaviour appalled you?
Anti vaxers, and those who protest in front of hospitals wearing fucking yellow stars! Are you kidding me? Just get the shot people!

Where did most of your money go?
I’m grateful to be able to say most of our money went towards food, hobbies, donations, and gifts, oh and a car muffler.

What did you get really excited about?
Getting chocolate in the mail from Hansoo and Jacqui
The big box of El Pinto and Hatch green chile my brother sent.
Eating in a restaurant.
Hugging a friend. (it all sounds so simple yet, it was all so grand!)

What song will always remind you of 2021?
A little ditty I wrote myself called,  “I’m going up and down the stairs again today!”

Compared to this time last year, are you:
i. happier or sadder?  As happy, with a few more WTF moments.
ii. thinner or fatter?  At this writing I’m exactly the same!
iii. richer or poorer?  Richer.

What do you wish you’d done more of?
I want to say socialized yet, when I had opportunity, I choose not to go.
Eating out.
I know you master what you practice, and Ken and I are very practiced in staying home and entertaining ourselves.

Did you fall in love in 2021?
Ken has my heart. I feel so fortunate that our life together is easy.
Now, while MuMu is MuMu, the dog Max, who lives down the street is… just too cute!

What was your favourite TV program?
I record TV shows, then fast forward through them. I watch only the last 10 minutes of baking, sewing, singing, and painting competition shows just to see what and who wins.
I did watch a lot of old CSI and Elementary shows.

Have you any resentments or regrets?
I resented selfish and stingy people.
I regret never learning how to make tamales.

What was the best book you read?
I read a lot this year. A few favourites:
The Invisible Life of Addie LeRue by V.E. Schwab,
Sold on a Monday by Christina Morris,
Paying the Land by Joe Sacco,
Infinate Jest by David Foster Wallace,
The Decameron Project by 29 different writers,
The Winter Rose, The Wild Rose and The Tea Rose, all by Jennifer Donnelly.
Oh and How to Change Your Mind by Michael Pollan! I guess I could go on and on….Oh, and, The Dangers of Smoking in Bed by Mariana Enriquez, and Swamp Angel by Ethel Wilson.

What was your greatest musical (re)discovery?
Music is not a big part of my life. Listening to Ken sing when he plays guitar is still my joy. I will stop everything and dance or sing along if I hear any song from the 60s or Dean Martin.

What did you want and get?
I got to talk openly with my doctor, Julie Baxter about my addiction and alcoholism! It was wonderful.
I got tickets to Hamilton for a May 2022 showing (fingers crossed we get to go)

What did you want and not get?
Fries with that! Evening snacks!
Invited to join in on some adventurous hikes.

What was your favourite film of this year?
Do video painting lessons by the wonderful Jess Rice count as films?

What did you do on your birthday, and how old were you?
I turned 66 on May 20. I had a wonderful celebration hike with several of my girlfriends. It was the first real social thing I’d done since Covid hit. We ate cake in the backyard and I wore a boa! It was grand.

What one thing made the year immeasurably more satisfying?
One thing — being double vaccinated and showing proof with a QR Vax passport.

How would you describe your personal fashion concept in 2021?
Yesterday, I realized I wear dead people’s clothes: My pants belonged to Jan Daly, the scarf was Peter Montgomery’s, gloves – Kim Cox, shirt -Janice Wood, hat – Bill Hudson. Who cares what I wear? I wear the same clothes I’ve worn for years and years. I do have a new pair of hiking boots!

What political issue stirred you the most?
I stir easily. It’s best for me to keep my head down.
BC’s weather disasters have been a challenge – if only we’d been warned about this climate change shit.
The graves “found” at the residential schools are beyond understanding.
The people who do “their own research” drive me round the bend.
Don’t get me started on Texas, abortion, republicans, or whack-a-doodle Christians.
Yes, I know my privilege.

Who and what did you miss?
Who I miss – let me get the list. If you are reading this, I miss you!
I miss the ease of meeting new people!
I miss an orange cat named Peet.
I miss Patti Brown a lot. Knowing she is not walking the earth is heartbreaking.
I miss my mom.

What did I miss?
I ask that question daily!

Who was the best new person you met?
This is a tough one. I haven’t met many new people.

Tell us a valuable life lesson you learned in 2021.
Get your brush wet!
Better safe than dead!
Sisyphus Rocks!
It’s not that hard to be kind or generous.
If you have the chance to say goodbye – say it.

Most of all, I see how simple and content my world is, and I realize I have a totally different idea of what constitutes the “best or worst” of anything.

4 thoughts on “Yearinreview2021

  1. Laurie

    Thanks for all of this Jan, you are a big part of the reason my heart is so full too. Keep doing what you’re doing, smile, dance, cook, and love, all the best things! Happy New Year to you and Ken!


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