
October 24th, 2015 by Jan

Today is the day I let go.

In a few hours we will begin the memorial service for my dad.

The masses have started to assemble already, and if I was cynical, I’d say the circus is in town.

Art has done a wonderful job of putting together what promises to be a lovely service, and just what dad wanted. I think the only missing part will be that dad would have really loved to be here for this.

It is a beautiful day. The sunrise was out of this world. My little camera just couldn’t do it justice, but my eyes took it in like butterscotch pudding and guanqifa.

As I go through the check list of what we need to do, I am reminded again and again, that I don’t have to do anything. I will just show up and listen to others tell how dad influenced their lives.
He was a big deal in this town and to many people.

I’ve decided that today is the day to let go.

Salute coach.

I will miss you.

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