After a grand weekend with friends who made the trek across the pond to come see us, we are turning our attention to packing. We are going to New Mexico for three weeks. *(see below)
When we were down south last October, we made a deal with our friends at Rancho Nambé to run their B&B while they went on holiday.
I started cooking and practicing in the kitchen and am pretty happy to say I can make a few nice meals. I felt they were good enough to be served at a quality place for people with high expectations.
But then, plans changed and our friends decided it would be better for them not to go on their trip. So we won’t be running their B&B after all. Unfortunately, we found out a few days after we bought the non-refundable airline tickets.
No problem — we like New Mexico. We can spend time with my brother Art. Perhaps we will see Ty and of course there are the green chile meals we will gobble down every day. We can hike, explore and this trip will not be dad centred. Plus, super good friends will join us for a week.
Three weeks feels like a long time for Ken and me to be away from home though. Every time I say this – I am reminded of New Mexico’s beauty, food and friends. We will have a great time.
Plus, my birthday will be celebrated while we are there, and if we go to Gabriel’s for dinner, I can wear the celebration sombrero, and get free guacamole and the waiter will sing to me.
This morning I woke up with transportation, hotels, and car rentals on my mind but, was shaken into reality by the sound of my heart beating in my ear. Thump – thump. Ugh, so uncomfortable.
I’ve had this before and it was bad enough that I called the Doctor. They flushed my ear of waxy build up, and all was well. This time, I didn’t even think about it – I was on the phone one minute after the doctors office opened, asking for an appointment today.
I did not want to be on an airplane or in the states needing anything medical.
I was in, fixed, and back home an hour later. The explanations: probably allergies.
We buy heath insurance when we travel to the states. Getting sick, hurt, or even uncomfortable down there would be a pain in the ass as well as a financial disaster without it, so I’m glad this happened before we left.
Once again, I am very grateful to Canada for the fast, friendly and free heath care we receive. Point maple leaf!
Now, back to packing and looking forward to the dry climate, sans pollen!
* Don’t even think about it if you are a crook — we’ve got great neighbours and people watching the house while we are away!