
October 17th, 2015 by Jan

I’m sitting outside near a crescent moon, somewhere in Idaho.

The night is just lovely here, especially after a hot day on the road. I know later we will be cold. High mountain desert — hot in the day and freezing at night — and lovely.

The road trip is good so far. I’m amazed at how far away we really moved away from New Mexico though. Two full days on the road and we are still at least three days away from a decent taco!

We are staying at RV parks along the way. Hook ups to electricity, water and sewer for about $30. each night. Plus – they have hot showers and after a hot day on the road, it’s most welcome. The RV parks have been nice; they all offer internet. Well, at least they say they do. I think we can all agree that slow internet is worse than no internet and so, tonight after trying…. We finally gave up and Ken got his guitar out and sang to me. Pure joy. I love to listen to him play and sing.

I try to sing along, but his and my timing are off and we know different words to most songs. That doesn’t stop us, and while he is probably right, I like my versions just fine.

RV parks are also next to or near the highway, so even though it isn’t really loud, more stuff goes on than our home in Sechelt at night. Plus, it seems a train  always rolls by around 3 a.m. and blows its whistle long and loud. We have a comfy bed and the van is nice, but still sleep is not the best on the road. Good thing we don’t care.

In the evenings we see the sunset, in the mornings the sunrise. I guess no matter where you are, those two things are worth the time spent watching where ever you end up for the day.
Tomorrow we will head for Salt Lake City and visit with Sue and Pat.

So far — so good.
We’ve had crappy internet connections so far, so instead of posting, I’m updating.

We had a great, but short visit in Salt Lake City with great friends. They toured us around downtown where the big church is. I found it to be a lot like Las Vegas.

We hit the road again and drove hard. Crazy traffic, lots of wind and a bit of rain. We are nestled into our camp in Moab for the night and are glad to be here.

We also finally have good internet — but I’m pooped. This looking out the window and telling Ken which way to go all day is exhausting.

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