
October 25th, 2014 by Jan

I’m up early — had my morning walk in the dark. Today, I took a flashlight instead of walking poles. I can only hold one thing in my hands at a time. I thought about wearing a headlamp — but I like walking in the dark, only turning on the light to warn others of my presence. I rarely need it, but for the few times I do, it is easier to just click the button with my thumb, than fumble with a headband.

Today is a big day and I’m looking forward to it and need to get going!

We have two house showings, and our house is almost clean!

The first showing is a second look from some folks who came two weeks ago. That’s a good sign. The second showing, although I have no proof —  (just a feeling really) is with the people we have the contract with. I think this because, our realtor let it slip that they would be on the island this weekend.

Of course we aren’t “allowed” to have any contact. But, oh how I wish we could. It would be so nice to meet and talk. We could tell them so much about the place and find out how the process is going for them. Maybe we could work out something — but… NO! Not allowed! Our job is to, clean the house, leave the lights on, and go to the library for an hour while people poke, and peek around, asking questions the realtor cannot possibly answer, and let the professionals do their job!

But… I digress.

Ken will go to the library today to wait out the showings. I’m going to town to meet up with Ali and I’m so excited!

Ali, Sam and I got in a van and drove across North America for four months in 2001. Ali and I share some very special memories, and I look forward to remembering a lot of them with her. Plus, she lives in Korea now and I want to hear all about her life and what she is up to, AND her birthday is on Monday, so we can get started on her celebration.

Yay!!! A good day is planned.

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