
July 18th, 2019 by Jan

Before you get too far into this story – please know, MuMu has had her name changed to SusieWu. I’ll write that story soon. xo

We have a dog!!!

Just last week, Ken and I said yes, it was time to start looking, and that was all I needed! I was off to the races, the SPCA, and the inter-web!

We wanted a good dog, and because we are spoiled – our first choice would be a Portuguese Water Dog. I went on a few sites and connected with the breeder in Mission, who produced both Cricket and Boze. We went back and forth and chatted. Her next litter of puppies has a waiting list, we would have send a non-refundable deposit, then wait until next February or March.

Ken and I weren’t too keen on a puppy though. Still, we thought we “could” do it for the right dog!

Back and forth, back and forth… then the kicker. Puppies sell for $2800. plus… cough, cough.

Ken had to remind me who we are, as I was ready to cut the cheque!

It took me most of the day to remember — there are dogs in the world that need homes, that we don’t need to spend a fortune for a special breed, that a puppy is A LOT of work, and I needed to pull it back a bit.

So after a long day pouting, I accepted and agreed with this reality. After all, the last three dogs we adopted, came to us as seniors, and it worked out pretty darn well.

Still, not to lose momentum on the Yes, we said for being ready to have a dog. I sent a few notes out to people I knew who worked with dogs, or had just adopted their own pup.

I sent a note to my friend Michelle who lives on Bowen Island. I knew her husband worked at the Dog Ranch there. I wanted to get on his radar… you know if anything came up.

It wasn’t 5 minutes and Michelle wrote back, and said, Call Steve! He may have a pooch for you!


It took another 45 minutes for us to pack up, get in the car and hit the ferry. It took a long five hours to get over to Bowen. Two ferrys, with long hot waits and summer fun lines up…

It was worth it – We met Mu Mu.

A five and half year old, chubby, poodle mix with black curly hair. It was love at first sight!

We said yes. We took her to our friends house for the night, to be sure… We were told we could bring her back if it didn’t work out!

Ha! We knew it would work out!

The biggest challenge so far is Mu Mu’s name! I cannot get my mouth around Mu Mu. I call her pup, Boo… Lu, Boze (I call her Boze a lot!), Blue, Moo … Everything except Mu Mu. Still, Mu Mu it is.

We got her home before noon the next day, She is settling in quite well!

Then, I had to deal with a lot of paperwork and such! Mu Mu has a lawyer! Apparently, MuMu is an heiress!

Her person before us died. She was good enough to set aside some money for Mu Mu’s care after her death. This was the reason Mu Mu was at the dog ranch on Bowen. She made it possible for MuMu to have a chance to play, and be well cared for, in a safe place, until they found the right people (us) to take her.

No – we do not get any of her inheritance. But, we were given a months supply of special diet dog food for Mu Mu. The paper work is just to finish up the lawyers part, settle the estate, and cover the expenses at the dog ranch.

She is now officially a Parker! Yay.

Mu Mu is a bit of a tubby as has not played much in her 5 years.

We heard, and it shows, that for the most part, she hung around with her bed ridden, person for the last three years. Who knows what she did for the first two. She is quite well socialized – just not very fit.

Anyway -Maylyn brought a soft stuffy over yesterday and it’s her favourite! Like Boze, and Cricket, she soothes her self by sucking on these soft toys. She is learning to play, tug and fetch. Of course Ken and I sing all the time – so Mu Mu will soon have her own song.

We also had a little stick throw and fetch in the back yard. MuMu loved it, and “almost” ran for it, really it was more of a slow trot, but oh how her tail wagged! I see a pup in her. I know she will slowly, with the right food and exercise, lose weight, get stronger, become healthier and happier!

She is not good on a leash. (yet). I doubt she ever had one. I put one of Boze’s old harness on, (we really had to let out at the seams, so it would fit) and we strolled up the street, Mu Mu ran out of juice just four house away. It was slow going, but day by day, progress will be made! We are in no hurry!

Ken wants to take her to the dog park soon, and introduce her to everybody. The walk there and back will be her first goal. Slowly…

The best friend of Mu Mu’s  person, called to chat yesterday. She cried and cried, and assured me they were happy tears. She said she can rest now, as her friend would be so happy to know MuMu landed so well. Sweet.

We are waiting on a few more papers, specially her medical records before we can get her licensed here and have her meet our vet. Today we’ll hit the dog store and spoil her with a new bed, a few more toys, a tag with her new phone #, and such. We also want to find some type of treat for her that won’t hurt her diet.

We are so happy. Mu Mu is happy too!
Win – Win as they say!

4 thoughts on “WinWinMuMu

  1. Jacqui Parker-Snedker

    Oh Jan I’m so happy for you both. MuMu sounds like a wonderful dog. I’m so glad you found each other. Good scouting too! We opted for a puppy as you know- a devil’s disciple of a border collie pup. Still, with patience and a whole new wardrobe….

  2. Steve

    Sometimes the universe provides. Good people should have a good dog. And a good dog deserves wonderful people. Pretty sure MuMu, Mookie, Bozamu or whatever her final name will be will bring you as much joy as I know you will bring her. All the best and happiest to all of you.


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