
February 2nd, 2019 by Jan

Ken and I are fortunate enough to have Patti and Jessie show up every two weeks to give our house a good scrubbing. We are extremely grateful for them and the work they do. I did warn Patti yesterday, that she may need a hazmat suit as, the last few weeks have been, what I can call, different from our normal!

Ken has been feeling better, so I thought we’d get out of their way, and get some fresh air. I packed up Ken and Cathy, and we took a drive up the coast.

There is a cute little thrift store in Madeira Park, so we putzed around in there for a bit.

Ken then waited in the car as I headed off to the store to pick up some groceries. He’s making progress everyday, yet, there is no need to push it. Plus, I can zoom around a store in no time —grab what we need and be done.

As I’m picking up the last items at the store, I look up and there’s Ken standing in front of me. He says, “Guess what I have?”

Oh shit… my mind went to the worse place possible. Cathy is giving him trouble, he’s in  pain again, what???

“I have surgery on Tuesday!”

There was a cancellation! He was bumped to the front of the line!! Woot-woot!

I swear we did a jig right there in the store.

Then, reality kicked in…

When we told Christine at Dr. Paterson’s office that we were flexible, and wanted on the cancellation list, we realized we need to start flexing right now!

No problem!

We came home, made a few phone calls, secured a place to stay right at UBC, cancelled a few of our own appointments, packed and well… Let’s go!

We’ll head in tomorrow.

Now, while we are so friggen grateful for the speedy care. The fact that Ken is going in for surgery is not lost on me. Yes, this is the next right thing, and surgery is not to be taken lightly. Yikes!

Ken will still have some recovery time ahead of him. I can continue being chief cook and bottle washer, as well as fire keeper, wood hauler, driver and nurse. But, we see the light at the end of this tunnel.

It won’t be long now that we will say, “Buh bye and so long” to Ken’s “friend” Cathy and we will return to our Parker “normal.”

Once again, I salute the public heath system of Canada. Knowing full well, we will not get a bill for any of this care is just grand. And seeing first hand, the fallacy of wait times being the price you pay for “free” health care is even better.

Let me also give a quick shout out to the poor guy who, for whatever reason, needed to cancel his spot in the queue, making it possible, for Ken to step in.

On we go – we’re doing this!

9 thoughts on “wegotthecall

  1. Sue Leary

    Pat and I will keep you both in our thoughts on Tuesday.

    We hope everything goes well in surgery and that recovery time is short.

    Wishing you all the best with love,

    Sue and Pat


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