After yesterday’s holiday rant, I got a package in the mail and everything turned around. My brother Art, sent me a present! Woot-woot!
The big box had two calendars, two music CD’s of his band, one DVD of a movie, a sweater and a camera in it! Getting the camera turned me into a little kid. I got so excited and am so happy.
In this day and age of the ever present phone that takes photos, most things in life are snapped by a phone and posted just as quickly. The art of photography is in so many ways, is a lost art.
Now, Jim is an artist with his photography, and is the exception to this. I know several other pros and I don’t mean to take their work lightly. There is no contest between their photos and the iPhone quick click photos. But, the photos I take on the itouch are just this side of real crap, and it is exciting to have a real camera.
I now, expect to take better photos. Photos that are in focus, and with true colours; photos that will win contests. Now, all I have to do is point and shoot with the right camera and Pow! Pure beauty, after all, it’s all about the camera right.☺ (Sorry Jim, it just slipped out.)
Anyway, I’m excited to take some pictures.
Here is one from my walk this morning. The walk that took an extra 15 minutes, because I kept stopping and clicking. And, I will again salute Jim, as out of the 14 photos I took this morning with the new camera, I had to delete 12 of them for being out fuzzy or otherwise not great. Maybe it isn’t the camera after all, maybe I need some practice!
you do know all those photos of Jim’s are taken with his iPhone, right?
Well, Jim has always been above average.