We have 50 more sleeps left in Tunstall Bay. That’s a lot and not much. I am back and forth between the panic of not having the time we need to get everything done; to the worst fear of sitting in a totally packed up house for three weeks, waiting.
I am the type of person who thinks that if I’m not early, I am late. I arrive at most appointments quite early and either sit in the car waiting or I walk around the block until it isn’t so early to be uncomfortable for others. We are usually first to arrive to parties. We don’t miss ferries, airplanes, or appointments. I doubt I ever started a class one minute late. My concern of not being ready to move is not a real fear. The sitting in a boxed up house for a few weeks is.
I’ve read a few great blog posts by others in the last few days, and I’m reading a great book right now. I recognize good writing.
I aspire.
It’s a tai chi thing, in a way, arriving before your opponent (partner/mover) does!
If you have money to spare, you can hire the (professional) movers to pack up your house for you. It gets done in one day, then it gets moved. You might have 24 hours to wait, rather than weeks.
I recognize good writing too. That’s why I’m here, my friend.
Actually Laura, that’s a great idea…what do you think, Jan? Troy wouldn’t be hurt if that’s a way you want to go…