
January 28th, 2017 by Jan

“Donald Trump must not be given a chance.” “Oppose him, with all your might.” “The resistance is on.” I hear the battle cry and watch my friends roll up their sleeves.

Now, the thing that really got to me though, was hearing one friend saying, that she would not participate in anything fun, until the fight with the Donald is won. Okay, that is not what she said, but that is what I heard.

I felt guilty for about 30 seconds. See, I continue to walk our doggy, bake cookies, read books, and am totally enjoying life on the coast with Ken and Boze.

I wondered, from our home on Samron Rd. what I should/could be doing. Being Canadian, I don’t have a congress man to call, I don’t have a pink hat, and I don’t want to go to the states right now for any reason. Truth be told, I am not an activist, never have been.

I know what’s going on down there affects the world. I know it is serious and must change. Like so many others, I am asking — what can I do? Or more like what will I do?

I admire the work of people on the front line. Again, I admit, I am not a front line person. I like the supporting role, always have and always will.

When we held the 2001 Yang intensive at the house on Bowen and folks were asked what they could bring to the group — my answer was that I had extra toothbrushes and blankets if anyone needed them.

So, I had a big fat idea.

Years ago, my pal, Art Baner talked about an idea he had called The Vitality Project.

The premise for the project was for health practitioners, like massage therapists, qigong teachers, acupuncturists and such, to donate their skills to folks fighting the good fight. Basically, providing support to revitalize them if you will.

Not everyone is built for front line of work. I believe people do what they will, not always what they can. It takes someone really strong and very special to be an activist.

There are different levels of activism, and different people do different work. Some protest with signs, some chain themselves to trees. Some stand in front of tanks, others march. Many write letters, and make phone calls. There are organizers, and folks with megaphones, they get tear gassed, and sprayed with water. Some go up against cops in riot gear — all are using their life force, and it takes it’s toll. All need support to continue their work, and all need a rest at some point.

Ken and I live in a small town in Canada for good reason. I am grateful for my privilege yet, right now, there is a shit show that needs to change.

So – my big fat idea is, a take on Art’s Vitality Project, but on a one to one basis.

I’m going to call it The Mini Vitality Project or MVP.

I talked with Ken and we haven’t worked out the details, but it would look something is this:

If you are weary from the work — our house is open. Ken and I will take it from there, we will provide a safe place for those who need a break. For those who need to revitalize. If you need to gather yourself for a second or third wind, you can come to us for a few days and we will take care of you.

We will take you in and be very good to you.

We will cook for you, rub your feet and back. We will let you sleep, read books, soak in the hot tub, and watch movies. You can take long or short walks, with or without company. You can be entertained, or not. Engage with us or not. You can sit on our deck and look at the view, or you can stay in a quiet room under a blanket and eat popcorn. You will not have to deal for a few days in a very pretty and safe place. You tell us what you need/want and we will make it happen.

Sechelt is an easy, beautiful, and safe place to recharge. It is not that easy to get to, but it will be worth the effort. Our home will be a shelter to those who are fighting the good fight, and need to refresh. We will work with you to provide an environment to get your vitality back, so you can go back in the fire and do the work that you do.

Like I said, Ken and I haven’t worked out the details. I know only about 3 people read this bloggy thing, so we’ll figure out a way to get the word out. We aren’t crazy enough to open our home for just anyone. I think recommendations and referrals will be needed. But, right now we are in agreement — The MVP is something we can offer.

One thought on “I’vebeenthinking

  1. Sana Shanti

    I love you Jan. And I’m glad you are Canadian. I’ve been thinking the same thing,respite for the weary. Cause I’m not a front line gal- the size of the marches warmed my heart but made me hyperventilate.


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