
January 8th, 2015 by Jan

How do you choose a book to read?

The books I read come to me because a friend recommended it. Or I got it at the recycle depot, or the library. I rarely buy a book these days. I do look at titles on line for reviews and suggestions as well. I judge books by their covers too. I like a good looking book. I don’t like pocket books so much although, I’m reading one now. Most of the time I like the bigger size books.

Type size is really important, the story can be fantastic, but if I have to struggle with my glasses to see the words — forget it. I also don’t like too many words on a page or an author that uses too many adjectives. Tell me you went to the store; not the blue walled store, with the rose coloured signs, in the lemon yellow, tangerine orange, cool day of spring. I like good writing, not flowery writing.

Now, when it comes to listening to a book, again I ask for recommendations and scan the inter web. I will spend money on a good audio book. I find Facebook is a good place to get recommendations. A lot of my friends listen to books, so every time I ask, I am besieged with titles.

I check most of them out on iTunes. I read the blurbs and reviews, and if war or violence is mentioned, it usually gets the axe. Same with science fiction — that genre is not my cuppa tea.

I like books the same as movies — entertain me! If a book could sing and dance – I’d read it for sure. If more than one person recommends the book I’ll give it a go — but when it comes to a book in my ear — the deciding factor is… time. Books that are less than 8 hours long do not get much consideration. I like to listen to long books. If I see it in print, I want it to be a big fat 800 + page book.

I was delighted this last week when I asked for suggestions and London Fields by Martin Amis was suggested and seconded. But the real reason I chose this book — is it is 21 wonderful hours long.

I’m three hours in and so far so good!

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