
May 21st, 2019 by Jan

Very often, I announce that company is coming! Today is one of those days and it is exciting.

We live in a pretty place and are lucky enough to have friends who want to visit us.

We had a two day “rest” in-between our wonderful visit with Mary Lynn, and now friends, Jerry and Annie, are in the line up at Horseshoe Bay waiting to get on the next boat.

I’ve met Annie twice and became instant friends — her husband, Jerry on the other hand, I’ve known a long time. In fact, I’ve known Jerry longer than I’ve known Ken. (Yikes…. I don’t look a day older than 64!)

Another fun fact: Jerry is the friend that moved me into Ken’s house in Colorado in 1982. Remember, Ken and I shared a weekend experience and decided to base a lifetime commitment on it!

He never said it, but Jerry might have been a bit skeptical about our rushing in.

Still, like a good friend, he supported me. Yet, when he helped move me and my stuff from Albuquerque to Colorado Springs… He stayed… Jerry also moved in… just for another two or three weeks!

Jerry knew me well, but he didn’t know Ken at all.

Come to think about it now, I’m not sure whose best interest he was looking out for!

Here’s a very blurry photo of the LARB&B (the Los Alamos Rockers, Boppers, and Boozers), of which I was the social secretary and Jerry was a member in good standing.

Jerry is wearing the white vest and I’m in the middle. We were all dressed up for someone’s wedding. Good times were had by all and almost all of us survived!

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