It turns out the Joan Harvey from the Canadian Federation of University Women is not the same Joan Harvey I knew years ago, but she is nice and I like her. She also said she knew of two other Joan Harvey’s on the coast.
It seems I broke the ice well.
As the point person for the CFUW, Joan assumes I know all about the organization. She is on vacation and yet is taking the time to answer my book club questions and respond to the letter I sent in lieu of a resumé.
I passed the initial line of defence, and while they still don’t know that I never went to University — I have been invited to the next meet and greet in April as Joan’s guest.
I think it was Groucho Marks who said, “I wouldn’t belong to a club that would have me as a member.†Well, I don’t necessarily feel that way. Even though I did find her first questions to be a bit off-putting.
I am reminded that my best friend Sandie, asked me two qualifying questions before she offered me her hand in friendship. I admit I lied with one answer, but it worked out pretty well for me.
Maybe now I’m more curious, perhaps I’m hungry for social interaction. Truth be told, I’d love to be in the company of educated and professional women, having literary conversations. So, maybe it just doesn’t matter the tone of our introduction. If a group of women read good books, drink tea, and eat cookies, while discussing them, I want in.
At least I won’t know for sure until I go and meet them. Doors swing open and closed for a reason.