
September 28th, 2015 by Jan

“I see the moon and the moon sees me — and the moon sees someone I want to see.”

Those are lyrics to a song my mom used to sing every time she saw the moon. And I do too. It is my moon song habit and ear worm. I sing that song with each moon sighting and I think of others who I like to think are also watching the same moon.

Looking at the blood moon last night was great. Ken and I had great seats right from our deck. Knowing others we loved were also watching was nice. And even if they couldn’t see it, I thought most were at least thinking of it.

My friend Karma was in Texas watching, Cousin June was in New York, Margaret was in Flagstaff, Art in New Mexico — all watching.

So, yesterday, when I was missing my friend Kim, and told Margaret. She suggested, and I agreed that we’d remember Kim as we looked in the same direction last night.

“I see the moon and the moon sees me — and the moon sees someone I want to see.”

So, I thought of Kim and Margaret, and I thought of my mom and my brother Bill and my dad and Peet. Then I thought of friends all over the world were sharing the experience of looking at the moon with me and Ken… And I thought of John in the Philippines and Marian in Geneva and well, the list goes on and on. Insert your name here______. I thought of you.

“I see the moon and the moon sees me — and the moon sees someone I want to see.”

I’d like to think even though not everyone saw the eclipse, last nights moon brought a lot of us together.

3 thoughts on “bigmoonconnection

  1. Margaret

    Beautiful. As I watched the moon do her dance a couple came up to me to stand in awe. Our conversation turned to why we are here, what we do with this gift and how grateful we are!


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