
December 18th, 2017 by Jan

I was told by one friend, that I have an interesting life. I really don’t. I have a good life and am very lucky to be able to spend the day however I like.

I think the reason she thought I lived an interesting life was because of the Facebook contests I hold. I ask silly questions and hold these contests for no other reason than to have fun. Plus, I enjoy sending out cool prizes to the winners.

I stole the idea from Bo – the Eat More Kale guy. Bo hasn’t held a contests in a while, but he used to; they were fun — and, I copied him.

Contest time is probably more fun for me, than for those who play. I like thinking up questions for people who know me, yet may be surprised to know “that” about me. (That is what makes my life seem interesting.)

More than anything – I like the randomness of contest time. Nothing ventured, nothing gained and I do my best to make them so people have to just plain guess.

I have questions like… What am I cooking? What crafty thing am I up to now, Who snores louder, me, Ken or Boze? I like multiple choice and true or false questions, two truths and a lie style of questions. Basically harmless, yet hopefully fun questions.

The prizes are simple too – everyone gets something different. Most of the prizes depend on my mood. Also, certain prizes are chosen after I pick the winner. They usually depend on whether I need to mail them, or walk it across the street. (Postage matters!)

Some people told me they don’t play, because they aren’t sure of the answers. I also notice that most past winners don’t enter. All I can say to that is — you can’t win if you don’t play. I set up the contests so they truly are a guessing game. It’s rare that any one already knows the answers.

Here is a bloggy bonus contest –
True or False: The next contest I hold, I will “unfriend” anyone who doesn’t play!

Here’s a hint…You’re a mean one, Mr. Grinch! Hee-hee.

6 thoughts on “backtoharmlessfun

  1. LauraB

    Well, it used to be that those of us who read this bloggy thing had a slight advantage, but not so much anymore.

    Also, the answer is “F”. That’s my guess today!


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