
September 25th, 2015 by Jan

I don’t want to leave this bloggy thing stuck on horrible news. I also don’t feel like writing.

I’m a bit weary with all that is going on. We’ve had a heck of a year. I could go for some good news, or perhaps some chocolate chip cookies right about now. Or, a book report couldn’t hurt.

The last three books I read have been wonderful page turners and a perfect way out of reality for someone who doesn’t drink or do drugs! 🙂

1. The Miniaturist. Loved it.
2. The Martian. WOW! Loved it!
3. When in Doubt Add Butter. Not deep literature, but an easy and harmless night time read.

The Miniaturist by uhm… I don’t know, and am too lazy to go look up any of the authors right now and I’m sorry. The book is already back in the library, I could use the google, but like I said, I’m too lazy. Still… that book was great! I read it when we took the van up to Lund and unplugged for several days. It was the perfect book for such an occasion. 5 stars.

Marian recommend The Martian. There is a movie about this coming out soon and well, it looks scary, and I don’t like scary or super suspenseful stories. But, The Martian is Fan-friggen-tastic! It had me from page one even though audio books don’t have pages, I found this book hard to take breaks from. I’ll probably go see the movie now and hope it is as well done — plus Matt Damon. 5 Stars.

I picked up When in Doubt Add Butter at the library when I returned the Miniaturist. I liked the cover and thought a book about a cook could be fun. It was more of a love story and day in the life beach book — still, not every book has to be the next great. 3.5 Stars.

Right now, by the bed side is The Little Old lady Who Broke All the Rules. This is in the realm of The Hundred Year Old Man Who Climbed Out a Window and Disappeared. Fun!

It goes without saying how fortunate I feel to be able to spend so much time reading. I still watch a lot of TV as well, but after seeing the Emmys the other night, I wonder… I’ve never heard of, much less seen most of the shows that won the big awards and we have cable. Oh well. Most of today’s TV shows seem to be too suspenseful or violent for me. I prefer my TV with a side of brainless activity. 2 Stars.

P.S. If you want to send my friend some good juju — please do. He could be in for a long and horrible haul, as it seems kidnapping in the Philippines is a viable economic option for the bad guys.

One thought on “aharmlessreport

  1. LauraB

    Thanks, Jan. I have read many an interesting book after you have mentioned them here or on FB. Now I’ve got a few more to go find!


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