
August 25th, 2017 by Jan

We leave tomorrow on a trip we’ve been planning for months. We have one way tickets to Sandspit, BC. and booked a 4 day sea plane and boat tour through the UNESCO area of Gwaii Haanas. We’ll meet our friends Sarah and MayLynn who left last week. They drove the van up there and have been touring and exploring already.

Once we get up there, we’ll swop stories, advice and the van. Ken and I will continue exploring and they will fly back home.

Sandspit is in Haidia Gwaii – a group of islands off the coast a little north of Prince Rupert.

I admit I’ve been anxious about it all, but then again, I get anxious any time I try new things or go to new places.

We have a lot of connections to make, and are counting on others for some of those connections. I’m anxious because uhmmmm… I prefer to be in control of …. most everything.

Silly me, I worried about this, and was concerned about that; I was going on and on, then I was reminded… of those days way back when. I’ve hitchhiked across the USA two different times all by myself. I had about $35. in my pocket at the time. I was fine! I wasn’t scared; everything worked out just fine.

Today, I have credit cards, reservations, hotels, tour guides, a van, phones, and Ken. There is no reason to be nervous, and every reason to be excited. This is really a grand opportunity and I am one lucky girl.

By the way, Ken and I arrived kicking and screaming into the 90s this last week.

We both have cell phones now! Yup. We resisted long enough. We can now call people, text, take photos with a phone, check Facebook, play WWF, and use GPS when and if there’s a signal. We can walk around, saying, “Can you hear me now?” and we can butt dial lucky people who we have in our contact list!

We have become “those people” and I feel we will truly enter the modern world when I quit jumping in surprise, when the darn things makes a noise, or vibrates! I’m learning!

The phones are the only electronics we are bringing on this trip. It is possible to update this bloggy thing from the phone, BUT no promises as my thumb typing needs practice. Besides, I’m going old school and bringing a notebook for writing! 🙂

Suffice it to say, Ken and I are moving forward, as we go back in time. This trip we will visit and explore some very old growth, and ancient First Nations land, and will take the latest in technology as we do it.

I guess that explains my anxiousness and the excitement.

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