
April 27th, 2017 by Jan

An era is coming to an end.

90 Manhattan Loop is on the market.

This is the house I grew up in. It was built the same year as me, and the Hudson family were the first people to move in.

I had my own room, my brothers shared a room, as did my parents. I don’t remember when the second bathroom was added, but it must have been when “the addition” went on making the shared bedrooms bigger.

I have no idea where company stayed!

I had the same room for the first 18 years of my life.

I was told Bill and Alice paid $2400. for the 3 bedroom, one bath, house, with a huge backyard. Plus, location, location, location.

When my parents divorced, dad sold the house to mom for $7500. — She was then a single mom with three kids.

When mom and Jack moved to Colorado, she sold the house back to dad for $14,000. (Dad thought she was ripping him off.)

Dad moved in with his wife and their son Ty in 1972. I would stay in my room for another year.

When dad died in 2015, he left the house to Art.

Yesterday a For Sale sign went up in the front yard. Art is selling and moving on.

The price has gone up yet, no one will say they are getting ripped off. $315,000. in Los Alamos is a good deal.

I hope it all goes well for Art. I also hope this gives him more freedom and flexibility, and he will come visit us more often.

It will be weird knowing someone other than a Hudson will be in that house. The walls certainly hold a lot of memories, a few ghosts, and loads of laughter.

I think a few stories may be triggered by this sale. Stay tune!

One thought on “Hudsonmanor

  1. LauraB

    Before I was three, we had lived in three houses and two cities. My first memories are of the years after three, when we lived in Richmond. We moved into Vancouver when I was four, and moved again, to another house, neighborhood and school, when I was five. Then we moved to Toronto, but I actually started Grade 2 in East Kildonan (Winnipeg). Then Don Mills to finish Grades 2 and 3, then Winnipeg for Grade 4, Vancouver for Grade 5, then back East to just outside Toronto. We stayed there for four years – our longest in any house- then back to Winnipeg for 2 years where I finished high school.

    I often wonder what it would have been like to grow up in one house. I have strong memories of the places we lived, but no connection to neighborhoods or people. When I read about histories like yours, I reflect on the influences that help to make us what we are.


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