
December 15th, 2019 by Jan

MuMu had to wait for me yesterday!

Oh, how times have changed. It wasn’t all that long ago, I was dragging her with me, on the super flat and easy Crowsten Connector walk. We celebrated her walking the entire one kilometre, by lifting her into the car!

I remember telling Ken, I was probably being too hard on her — expecting too much, pushing her too soon.

I’m a fast walker and for a couple of months, she had to remind me to slow down, and take a break! Her breathing was heavy, her eyes pleading, and with even my pocket full of one calorie treats, she did her best to keep going, but…. she was in rough shape when we got her.

All that has changed!

Yesterday, we were climbing up a mountain! As we neared the top, it was me in need of a break. I had to stop to catch my breath. MuMu was in the lead, carrying a big stick, on the look out for bears and squirrels. If she had a pocket full of treats, she would have pulled one out, as encouragement for me to keep going.

As it was, she came back to sit with me, as I took a much needed rest.

This joy of a dog, has only been with us a short time, yet it seems like she’s been part of the Parker family forever.

MuMu is one solid muscle of dog goodness now. She romps and runs to her hearts content— yet is kind enough, and smart enough, to look back to see, if I need any help, or encouragement to keep going.

6 thoughts on “turnaroundisfairplay

  1. Lainey

    Dogs are the best. Just this morning, I said to Jim, ‘if I find myself single in the future, I’d prefer a dog over a new person. Jim was in full agreement. Although I definitely don’t want to lose Jim. He’s even better than a dog!
    I loved reading about Mumu’s progress and her solid place in your family.
    Did I mention that dogs are the best?

  2. Jamie

    so touching. Makes me feel like I also can do things if I just persevere. Thanks for updating your blog with this gem.

  3. Becky

    I love this post! Dogs change our lives and we can change theirs in so many positive ways. Each one brings us a different gift and all my dogs have made my life so much richer. Your Mumu is a joy to behold!

  4. Annie

    This is clearly a win/win/win as they say. Good for you, good for MuMu, and good for lucky us who get to enjoy from afar!


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