
February 8th, 2019 by Jan

Time is a funny thing.

In 1983, Ken and I stood next to each other, and pledged to love each other, in sickness and in health, for richer or poorer, in good times and bad, for as long as we both shall live.•

I don’t think, we really knew what we were in for, but I’m so glad we did that.

The last 36 years have flown by much faster, than the last three weeks have. And, last Tuesday was one of the longest days in my life, but it wasn’t as long as the hour, it took me to drive to the ferry last Sunday!

Einstein has some theory about the relativity of it all.

Lately though, time has been a bit of a blur for us.

While some hours lately have lasted for days, the last few weeks have passed in minutes. It’s all very confusing.

Was just October when Ken told me to get in the car, as we need to go to the ER?

That trip started us on this adventure, yet we got side tracked from the main problem, when they found a tumour in Ken’s bladder, and chose to focus on that.

That was a good thing, but little did we know what was ahead of us.

I remember Dr. Hoag asking Ken if he would be open to have surgery on his prostate at some point in the future, then he prescribed some medications and dropped the subject, until all hell broke loose in January.

Looking back, we were pretty ignorant to what was in front of us. So much has happened in a relative short period of time.

In just five short months, Ken’s had two surgeries. We’ve been to four different hospitals, and seen six different doctors. There have been a buttload of tests, scans, prescriptions, TAP forms, catheters, sleepless nights, ER runs, worry, relief, fear, comfort, friends, snow, sunshine and solutions.

Now, we are definitely on the right side of recovery, and our time at UBC hospital seems like a million years ago, instead of the other day.

Honestly, I look forward to a 24 hour day again.

• I’d also like to point out that in our marriage –  in health is better, that in sickness. The richer is more fun, than poorer, and the good times are way better, than the bad.
AND – I’d sign up for every day of the last 36 years, again in a heartbeat.

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