It is funny how hours of walking the up and down of Bowen Island does not give me immunity for having sore legs after a day of push hands!
Yesterday was grand. Really grand. I love seeing everyone and those who are usually with us are missed. Still the training room was full and the windows were sweaty with steam from the good work people were sharing.
There are two really interesting times I notice when folks push hands. One is when there is no sound in the room at all. None. A room of 20 people, connecting and working together and it is so quiet that if a pin dropped; it would echo.
The other interesting time for me, is when the room is booming with laughter and sound. Not random chatter, the conversation is more like… “Heh! Good one! Ha!†I also hear, “Wait, can we go back?†“What did you do there?†“Can we work that out in a different way?†“That was cool.†My favourite is a toss up between, “Can we do it again?” and “Huh.”
The sounds of pushy friends! It doesn’t get much better than that!
Oh, my heart is full, thinking of you all.