
November 22nd, 2014 by Jan

Okay – here’s the buzz.

It took one year and one month to sell the Bowen Island Tai Chi House. We signed the “final” papers last Thursday. We get the money on January 20, 2015, and we need to be outta here the next day.

I’m grateful for the 60 days. It will fly by and drag on. I’m glad the holiday hoopla is in the middle of it all.

What is next is the big question everyone is asking. We actually have an answer now!

Yesterday morning we went to the Sunshine Coast again to look around. We like it there and pretty well decided that we want to live in or near Sechelt. We’ve checked it out several times now, and have been looking at houses with a realtor named Gord. We found one we really liked in Davis Bay— and had it in our mind yesterday to see it again and see if it may be “the” place.

We asked Gord to show us a few more houses so we can compare and be sure.

Our “must haves” in our next home are:
1. A view
2. A shop

The house we really liked has a killer 180 degree view looking southwest over Davis Bay. The shop is the garage and the rest of the house is nice.

Gord showed us two houses yesterday that were easy to say no to. You know the kind — walk in and say, nope — this is not the home for us. One house he showed us was really nice — maybe an 8 out of 10, but not as good as the Davis Bay house.

And then…. we saw one we really liked in West Sechelt. We liked it a lot. It was a dark and rainy day and the view was a bit socked in. Gord promised us that it was nice! We are familiar with that southern side though and believe him. The house itself is really nice. The yard is nice. The shop is great. We liked it. We saw ourselves living there.

We bought it!
No messing around. We made an offer, they countered and then, this morning we said — “Okay.”

We close on the new place the day after we close on the B. I. T. C. H.  and we take possession January 22, 2015.


5 thoughts on “thebuzz

  1. heather

    WOW it’s great Jan! We think Ken will be building a bigger shed but who knows! Very excited for you both! Now to figure out a way to actually visit.


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