
March 27th, 2013 by Jan

My grandma’s name was Pearl. I am remembering her today as this marks the day in 2000 that she died. She was just short of her 100th birthday.

Grandma was a marvel. I loved her and she loved me. And I honestly believe it was her love for me and my knowledge of it, that gave me the safety net we all need to navigate life well. I believe I would be a lot more screwed up in this world had it not been for my Grandma.

Grandma was at my birth. She held me and rocked me and cried with joy when I came. And even though she always told me I was her favourite, she made sure all of her grandchildren knew that no matter what they did or how they did it; we would always — without question, be welcomed in her home, arms and heart.

I took her up on her offer many times.

One thought on “Pearl

  1. Ken

    Both of us were very lucky in our choice of Grandmothers. My dad told me that my Grandma saved my life when I nearly died of whopping cough when I was very young. And I know I was her favorite.


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