
November 2nd, 2015 by Jan

It sure is good to be home.

Ken and I pulled in our house on Samron Rd. Yesterday afternoon and we both said we would take our time unloading the van and getting “back to normal”.

Well, apples don’t fall far from the tree and I can report the van in unpacked, laundry is done and  I am in the kitchen cooking! It did not take long to fall right back into our normal.

Sarah down in Nambe, gave me a stack of recipes to practice in the next 6 months to make myself ready to cook at the Rancho Nambe B&B. (have you booked your visit yet?)

Tex-Mex Quiche. I would name it Green Chile Beginnings as it has a nice bite to it that will get your attention. I’m so glad we brought home a lot of jars of New Mexico green.

Sarah said she gave me the easier recipes to learn. I hope she meant it.

This first one looks pretty good.
I’m making my own notebook with personal notes added for where I may run into challenges, such as READ ALL THE DIRECTIONS, then read them again.

This is a note I really must take seriously as once I put the quiche in the oven, I went back through it and see I’ve only forgotten one ingredient! Not so bad. I am use to practice and I actually think this first one will work out just fine anyway. (Do quiches need eggs?)

Ha-ha! Just kidding! I forgot one type of cheese. I’ll fix it next time. Practice, practice, practice!

Also, for some reason, (maybe it was the lack of cheese), but it took a lot longer to cook than the directions said.

Still, I’m excited to be on a learning mission. I look forward to honing some cooking chops!

In the mean time – Let’s eat!

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