Alcoholics Anonymous was founded 77 years ago today.
AA is not for everyone who struggles with alcoholism, but it sure has helped a lot of people live better lives — including me.
Alcoholics Anonymous was founded 77 years ago today.
AA is not for everyone who struggles with alcoholism, but it sure has helped a lot of people live better lives — including me.
Hello Jan,
I am a student of Art Baner up in Bellingham. I missed the day you came to visit my class, which was a huge sadness for me. I love Art as only a student can love a teacher, but I have longed to hear or see a female perspective of this study. I am inspired to write to you because I too am in recovery- and have found over and over how it dovetails with the Tai Chi principles. Or maybe better put, how Tai Chi has dovetailed with my recovery. And I can’t imagine how I managed to miss AA’s birthday! Thank you for this posting!
Hi Lan,
Welcome and congratulations on your life! Check out Today’s Step – it an app created for those in recovery looking to keep and continue a daily practice. My practice over the years inspired it. I hope one day we will meet as we trudge the happy road.