
January 27th, 2019 by Jan

That is how I tend to answer the question – How are you and Ken today? We are better than some, not as good as others. We are certainly not as good as we like either. Please note – I use the royal “we” all the time now.

It’s not a secret, but it’s also hard to broadcast and write about – Ken’s having some serious health troubles.

The reason it is hard for me to write about and post is, when I tell anyone, I then need to stand in the love offered. Then there are the questions, concerns and suggestions that comes full force back to us and, honestly, I lack the juice needed to interact much.

I don’t mean to sound ungrateful, I’m not. We are very fortunate to have so many generous friends who care. We are so very lucky in how well loved we are. We love you all so very much. I also know I would hate it if you didn’t respond!

I find it hard to keep everyone in the loop. I know I could do it here, yet it’s difficult to write and concentrate. Ken will be okay in the long run, but right now, it’s rough.

This coming Tuesday, will be the third hospital and fifth doctor, Ken’s seen in the last 11 days.

There have already been a torrent of ER visits, tests, scans, blood work, as well as, a buttload of medications, and excruciating pain to go with sleepless nights. Ken’s been poked and prodded and sent to this guy and that. He’s wearing a catheter and has such a relationship with it — he’s named it Cathy. We both look forward to the day they quit hooking up and Cathy is out of our lives!

We are told that the next doctor we are lined up to see, will be the one who can finally really help. It looks like prostate surgery is in order, and this particular doctor can do it with a laser and not cut Ken open.

Thanks for your support and good wishes. Forgive me when I either don’t get back to you, or when I do it is with a copy and paste update. We are doing the next right thing each day and more will be revealed.

I think of all the tests Ken has had, the nights in the ER and hospital, there are the doctors visits, and the amount of care and attention he has received, and more to come  — and I give a HUGE shout out to Tommy Douglas and the Canadian health care system. AND, thank YOU for your love and concern.

9 thoughts on “betterthansomenotasgoodasothers

  1. LauraB

    Salute to you, and to Ken. I love you both, and have stayed away from commenting on FB, though you may ask me anything you wish. I think I imagined most all of what you have just written. I am here, and you are in my heart.

  2. Laurie

    The next right thing with some rest and recovery in between, that’s a good plan. One thing at a time one day at a time, keep breathing, rest when you can, and as tough as may be, it’s an act of grace to let folks help you out too. You give, you get, it goes around. Much love to both, the sun will shine on you again soon.

  3. Sue Leary

    We love you Jan and Ken and we wish you well!

    We also understand that you may not have the “juice” to get back to us so there’s no need. We look forward to hearing eventually that you’re getting enough sleep, visits to doctors and hospitals are a thing of the past, Ken is pain free and life has returned to “normal.”

    We want you to know that we’re thinking of you and sending love and healing energy your way.

    Sue and Pat

  4. susan matthews

    Peter and I send our deepest love and support for both of you as you live through this time, we hold you close in our thoughts.

    Susan Matthews

  5. Annie (and Jerry)

    Sending love to you both. Save your juice for taking care of you and him, and we’ll keep an eye from a distance. Hugs, and thank you for the update.


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