
December 12th, 2012 by Jan

I went to the Post Office yesterday to mail a few Christmas cards. Cheryl, the cheerful and always pleasant woman behind the counter announced to me that she was going to print labels out for the postage as they were running short on holiday stamps and wanted to “save them”. I guess for a customer.

Years ago, Ken filled the car up with gas and paid for it with a large bill. The guy behind the counter asked if he had anything smaller as he didn’t want to give the change away. Ken asked him if he was saving it for a customer. The guy came just this side of saying yes, when he realized Ken was the customer and he made the change.

I’m not sure if Cheryl gave out holiday stamps to anyone yesterday. She said they were running low on the stamps. That’s different from being out of them and I only had seven cards. In my gentle, smart ass way – I chided her a bit about my holiday cards looking a little like a government bill. She smiled, but like the soup nazi on Seinfeld — there were to be no pretty stamps for the cards I sent out.

I am not a big holiday hoo-ha person. Ken and I sorta get into the spirit of the season. Each year is different. Last night we drove around Bowen in the dark and rain and looked for houses with lights lit up. We’ve lived here 16 years and this was the first time we ever did this, it was nice. Tonight we’re going to the company Christmas party for the O. Ken and I rarely sing carols, we don’t deck the halls, and we sure don’t go to church. We do like Christmas cookies, candles, and presents; I like some of the gooey movies on TV. We do hang socks and I always hope they get filled with treats, but there is no way we’d go to a mall in December for anything. Still….

I think a holiday stamp would have been nice.

One thought on “savingthegoodstuff

  1. Jim

    Holiday stamps ALREADY? It’s only December – every year people start celebrating heather’s birthday earlier and earlier…


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