Being back on Bowen is lovely.
It is familiar and comfortable and guess what… it’s not home!
Ken and I say it all the time, we’re glad we moved. We love Sechelt and do not miss living on this rock. What we miss more than we could possible know though, are the friends we have over here.
It is a real delight to sit and have a cuppa with old friends in a very familiar place. Catching up, getting and giving hugs, and well, it is just plain nice.
We were given a copy of last week newspaper, The Undercurrent. It’s a rag of a 8 page paper with absolutely nothing note worthy in it. When we moved here it cost 25¢, yesterday’s paper was $1.00. Yikes!
Small town papers though — you gotta love them. The Undercurrent used to list whose birthday it was that week and what the council has up its sleeve. Yesterday paper was dedicated to one islander — Piers Hays.
Piers died unexpectedly a couple of weeks ago. He was the owner of the Sung Cafe and his smile and greeting was a delight when you bought a coffee, muffin or breakfast. He called everyone Blu. It was his way of never having to remember anyone’s name. Smart on a small island and very good customer service.
He sure was loved and will be missed — the paper dedicated six or its eight pages to him. It was was full of stories, memories, photos, etc. it was really amazing.
I remember other times the paper filled with that loving focus. Each times was when a beloved islander died.
The first, I can think of, was for Jim MacDonald. Jim was the local karate sensei and the school gym was packed to standing room for his memorial service. Also, the community remembered Jurgen Grohne, all around great guy, and Jennie Robinson, a dancer, teacher and Spider Robinson’s wife. I know there was more… Jan Furst, and give me time I’ll think of more…
I was lucky enough to be friends with all of these people, and I salute a community that comes out for its own.
While these shout outs are lovely and needed — wouldn’t it be great if once in a while the community would out pour its love and call out the living?
So, while this isn’t the news, far from it – here’s some super loving attention to just a very few of Bowen’s best living treasures — Ross and Tyler, Ian and Deb, and Buff and Louise. You rock and make Bowen great!