
Welcome to the JanJimJam website. Some recent news: four new Qigong CDs are ready and available…and a couple in the coming soon bin.

  • Eight Pieces of Silk
  • Daoyin
  • Five Element Qigong
  • Medical Qigong

And if all goes well, Goulin Qigong and Xingyi Health Exercises will be finished…soon-ish. If you’d like a copy, they’re priced at $20, and all you need to do is contact Jan (jan@ janparkerarts.com) or Jim (jim@ naturalartscenter.net).


Your qigong sessions (CDs) are wonderful!!! They are clean, simple, direct and smooth and pure Jan! There is so much junk out there in youtube land… your work is a breath of fresh air!

—Nancy Walker